The JFrog recommendation is: ---, although other orders may apply in some use cases. Having a dedicated production repository, limits the scope of changes In hindsight, we need to make sure our tutorials are fit for purpose and production. This example shows how a repository can be laid out using the DRY principle and keep the structure generic enough to deploy to many clusters. Ideally, the organisation has a single repository, the structure of which is intended to increase engagement between engineering & business and promote reuse. first the cluster addons and other Kubernetes controllers, Devising the right repository naming conventions for your organization is essential. The artifact will then move to a qa, preprod or staging repository, and finally to a release or prod repository. In the monorepo approach all team members can read the production config since Git is not designed to restrict access In the tutorial, I have a very simple repo in Azure DevOps where I keep my code. In general, these policies will want to be handled at the repository level, and so this will be a driving determination in choosing your repository structure. Suppose you have a main development branch (typically named master or develop), and you create a new branch off of that to work on a new feature. Other examples are: using centos instead of rpm or rhel, and ubuntu instead of deb. The clear advantage of a monorepo is that it provides a central location for configuration changes. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to read. This configuration has a host field in the YAML manifest that is supposed to be filled in with the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the application being deployed. This will be further discussed later on in this white paper, in the repository organization section. By automating these tasks, you can save yourself and your team a lot of time and effort. For projects where we build an ecosystem of many applications. But taking a high-level look at things, two patterns arise when considering the structure of repositories: monorepo and polyrepo. Based on the business requirements of the organization, different projects may have different policies. For example, since Artifactory is case sensitive, its a good idea to use lower case letters. Comments are closed. Terraform & Infrastructure as Code best practices | by Nick Joyce | Real Kinetic Blog Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. The delivery process is similar to the In a monorepo environment, all the manifests for the entire environment, including end-user applications, cluster configuration, and cluster bootstrapping, are stored in a single Git repository. AWS CodeArtifact can act as a package repository for most popular programming languages. If you are using virtual write to control writes, then you may control this at the write permission level. A polyrepo, therefore, permits many possible designs. If you are using local repositories to snapshot a remote in a state, this might be a date. Best practices for repositories In this article Create a README file Favor branching over forking Use Git Large File Storage Learn how to use repositories most effectively. GitHub handles some of these files even when you place it in root of your project (, etc). This simplicity enables straightforward Git workflows that will be centrally visible to the entire organization, making for a smoother and clearer approval process and merging. This means that you can be sure that your changes wont break the build, and it also means that you can fix any problems before they cause problems for other members of the team. For example, if your generic repository stores videos, you may choose the word video as the technology type. monorepo and the Projects automatically stay up to date . As a good developer, I have my code in a repo, that doesnt necessarily mean that I have followed all of the best practices that I should. You may have a sandbox, while the artifact is being tested by developers at their desks, and dev or snapshot for builds that are occurring out of the CI system in the initial build-on-commit. But wait.. I can still expose myself to risks unknowingly. The various environments specific configs are all stored in the same branch (e.g. Jessica Balthrop is a software engineer who specializes in Git and GitHub. Customize your learning to align with your needs and make the most of your time by exploring our massive collection of paths and lessons. Completing our example with the following repository name:tiger-docker-release-boston. But with the dawn of cloud-native architectures and Kubernetes, you can now automate a wide range of deployments based on declarations stored in a Git repository. To avoid these problems, its best to configure your repository to track new remote branches automatically. Ive been working with Azure Static Web Apps for many months now, and theyre awesome! Nick Joyce 197 Followers Cloud herder. Another possible use case is when operating in a lab or another environment with a very limited domain for action. Git hooks are scripts that run automatically every time a specific event occurs in a git repository. Finally, you can use a tool like GitLab CI. Ways to organize files. Everything that is in a Git repository is available to everyone that has access to it. That is to say if a team is too large to successfully manage something like group ids/naming conventions for artifacts without a horribly bureaucratic process, it is better to just give them separate repositories, and there is always a scale where this limitation exists. The previous section showed a simple use case to illustrate how the division of responsibilities can dictate the contents and structure of the repositories. ", To track large files in a Git repository, we recommend using Git Large File Storage (Git LFS). Having a separate repository for production means that you can grant access to If you make infrequent, large commits, those snapshots will be far apart and it will be difficult to determine what changed between them. And mostly, these considerations will determine what granularity you set team at, and to a lesser extent what granularity you calculate maturity levels. To get you started working with GitOps directory structures, I provide several starting points in the following repositories: DownloadThe Path to GitOpsto explore how GitOps fits in your CI/CD (continuous integration/continuous delivery) pipelines and the various ways to implement it. In essence, repository organization boils down to three things: security, performance and operability. This rule states that each line of code in a file should have no more than 50 characters, and each commit message should have no more than 72 characters. Most of the groundwork has already been implemented on the clusters by other personas. A common example is separating concerns between different departments of an organization: a repository for the security team, a repository for the operations team, and one or more repositories for application teams. The apps directory is where developers and release engineers work. Create a README file To make it easier for people to understand and navigate your work, we recommend that you create a README file for every repository. In general, its best practice that all consumption and writes are done through virtual repositories, as opposed to local/remote repositories. The kustomization.yaml file refers to bootstrap/overlays/default in its bases configuration. rtfact-docker-dev-local (where rtfact is a Project Key for Artifactory). This choice of write-based repositories is especially crucial in repository types which arent well divided by namespacing, such as the default NuGet behavior or an npm repository that isnt scoped. Maintains the cluster addon-ons and other cluster-wide resources (CRDs, controllers, admission webhooks, etc). JFrog recommends a four-part naming structure, preferably in the following order. Access Red Hats products and technologies without setup or configuration, and start developing quicker than ever before with our new, no-cost sandbox environments. As projects grow, a goal for development managers is to maintain the simplicity of design and low-code implementation. Once the feature is complete, you merge it back into the main development branch. Another way to test your changes before committing them is to use a tool like Travis CI. Enforcing standards and best practices across all repositories. In short, although a monorepo is a valid choice, it can be quickly outgrown by the evolving requirements of the organization's operational needs. Within each repo, structure the work with branches, and do not confuse branches with means of organizing different software stacks: branches are used to organize the work in one repo (i.e. Usually, startups and organizations just starting out with GitOps prefer this approach, which is perfectly valid. to push the changes to a new branch from which you can create a pull request. The other major type of virtual repository name is aliasing for conformance, for example, with the requirements of an external tool or legacy automation. If you make changes to the main development branch while the new feature branch is still open, those changes will need to be merged into the new branch when youre ready to finish it. I found that I can browse to that YAML file publicly. This makes it difficult to understand what changed between the two versions, and it makes it harder to revert the changes if necessary. When adopting GitOps, organizations must plan carefully to divide tasks and configuration files appropriately between repositories and directories in each repository. This example, like the previous one, is based on using Argo CD as the GitOps controller: The basic components of the structure are: core: This contains YAML for the core functionality of the cluster. The conventions described in this white paper will allow you to scale your Artifactory across global topologies. To prevent information from getting out of sync, maintain a single source of truth. Creating elastic guidelines offers Artifactory administrators enough room to tailor rules on a need basis. When Azure DevOps created the pipeline and I wrote my YAML, it was also exposing all files in the root folder. In the config repo you can define the HelmRepository and create an app HelmRelease for each This usually covers either a scenario where for whatever reason you cant remote the source of the third party artifact (either because of an air-gap or just because it doesnt have http access), or youre implementing a white-list approach. Repository structure is a crucial part of your project's architecture. And whenever you have more than one of something, you need to name it. With a mono-repo, all the changes can be done in one place. Both of these factors contribute to making git repositories more maintainable and easier to work with, which is why the 50/72 rule is so important. apps: This is where the workloads for this cluster live. Now that weve established the basic repository naming structure, lets review the different considerations you need to take when organizing your repositories in JFrog Artifactory. The master branch is the default branch in git, and its also the branch that gets deployed to production. The following tables summarize the best practice naming convention with examples for each repository type. Use the body of the message to provide more details about the change. Best Practice 3: Add Structure to Issue Reporting and Encourage Reporters to Be Specific There's one way to submit a feature request. So, how do you test your changes before committing them? As soon as you want to track usage for a given unit of organization in the company separately from other organizations, it should have its own repositories, and be broken down in the naming conventions accordingly for ease of identification. An example would be calling a virtual repository ci-files-local due to requirements of automation needing this repository name; this is distinctly not recommended if it can be avoided. GitHub Repository Structure Best Practices Whether we start a new project for private or for open source, we can follow some best practices to organize the repository for better team. The kustomization.yaml file refers to bootstrap/overlays/default in its bases configuration. From an automation perspective, the control state is not about the teams within the company, rather based on the different environments which have different permission models to ensure artifacts are not deployed prematurely. Let's get into it and check out this week's posts! If you keep your master branch clean, youll always know that whats in production is stable and working correctly. It may also be a product name, or refer to a source for third party libraries. Curious? The name can be up to 64 characters, and 58 for remote repositories. While nothing obvious sticks out, I dont have any exposed secrets in my YAML, Ive done all the things right. One last thing, I need to change my azure-pipelines.yml file to find the correct folder of my app: My code gets checked in, the CI/CD process runs and redeploys my app from the folders specified. There are two basic use cases for local repositories: The first use case is when you are referring to artifacts that relate to your own organization artifacts. At its elemental level, each individual microservice acts as an application in itself. The solution is simple: dont commit half-done work. To add a new "core functionality" workload, the administrator adds a directory with YAML content in the core directory. When defining guidelines and conventions for your repositories, flexibility is preferred over rigid rules. Find even more GitOps resources from Red Hat Developer: Read The Path to GitOps for a comprehensive look at the tools, workflows, and structures teams need to have in place in order to enable a complete GitOps workflow. You could run multiple GitOps controllers within a single cluster, or a GitOps controller can operate in a hub-and-spoke model, as shown in Figure 3. You can add a README file to a repository to communicate important information about your project. A developer typically only needs one, or a small subset of your repositories to develop. For practical purposes, you can have as many repositories as you need to make your project and portions of it easier for everyone. One branching model (that seems to be quite popular here at SO) is this one: Confused? It will provide DevOps support large-scale enterprise installations that serve thousands of developers across many different teams and projects. The bgd-blue/kustomization.yaml file can point to another Git repository. Login to edit/delete your existing comments. For example, tomcat-mvn-upload-local. You can limit the impact of an issue that escaped staging testing by using Flaggers A complete example of this approach can be found at Writes about technology, products and productivity. If youre not using git hooks yet, you should start. As developers, over the past several decades we have learned that a name can either clarify what you are doing or confuse it. for a smooth GitOps experience with Flux. Not only does this make it easier to see what changed between commits, but it also makes it easier to revert changes if necessary. We can move the UI into a separate repo and use it in several applications, micro services, reusable parts, etc. Next, design the mandate, structure, and services of the project management office. A projectKey or team name is the primary identifier of the project. target environment. They are designed to be generic to all GitOps implementations and are not tied to a particular toolset or technology. Meaning, I have deployed my Azure Static Web App, but exposed myself to what could a potential security risk for myself or my organization. When using the same repository for all environments, unintentional changes to production are harder to spot, ARM templates are a JSON file that helps you define what exactly you need to do in your Azure deployment. When you have multiple projects in a single repository, it can be difficult to keep track of which changes go with which project. I havent. Testing your changes before committing them is a crucial best practice for git repository structure, and using a tool like Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, or GitLab CI is a great way to do it. And with the various teams that are involved in product development, maintaining a repository structure with utmost precision becomes one of the imperative tasks of the process. For example, if one cluster is administered through Flux and another through Argo CD, this structure would work for both clusters. #13. Since most GitOps tools support Kustomize, the combination allows a flexible deployment. And last but not least, distribution repositories support multiple technology types and generally end with -dist. Each repository should hold one type of binary files. Yes, dev and production would live in the same repo. Remote repositories are either part of an Artifactory topology and their naming conventions should align with those defined for your local repositories, or they are central repositories making them external and giving them slightly different naming conventions. This varies a bit by technology, but for any given technology there tends to be a maximum number of packages that make sense in that repository. The different organizations with different workflows are often referred to as silos, but more accurately, they are boundaries. should be used throughout your organization: ---. For third party libraries it might be values such as: Jan2018 (typically used when snapshotting a remote repository). Many Repos It is a collection of GIT repositories. Its much easier to avoid this problem by keeping your branches short-lived. Workflows are the paths for you and your team. you then promote the change to production. This structure produces the following JFrog recommended repository naming structure that. Similar to core, this directory gets loaded as part of an ApplicationSet under components/applicationsets/tenants-appset.yaml. While that currently isnt a feature, that should be coming soon. Organizing repositories and picking a naming convention is one of the first and most significant decisions a JFrog Artifactory administrator needs to make. For example, you could use a server-side hook to prevent someone from pushing code to a production branch unless they have first passed all of the tests. Some can be found here. The default is local for a repository that is actually written to, but in case of multi-push replication it may be the site of the source of pushed events. clusters/production That makes managing and maintaining the application as a whole a lot easier. do not put copies of the core code directly in the client repositories, instead include the core code repository as a subrepository. Thus Kustomize helps you with your YAML in many repositories, if this is convenient. Another option is to bundle the app manifests into a Helm chart and publish it to a Helm repository. The artifact progresses from one DevOps stage to another if quality requirements are met: Locator essentially refers to the physical topology of your artifacts. In this article, well discuss 10 best practices for organizing your Git repository. In the end, you will use a combination of tools to get your desired results, as I explained in the Templating chapter. I dare you as the reader to look at my repo and see what I exposed? The basic idea is that a single cluster can have multiple repositories configured as a source of truth. In many cases, users do not need to know about topological implementation details. Another way to do this would be to exclude files in the static web app pipeline task. Both types of hooks are useful, but server-side hooks are generally more powerful because they can be used to enforce policies or trigger actions on the server. The promotion process is gated by PR reviews It's not unheard of for each repository to have its own associated Git workflow. flux2-kustomize-helm-example. You clone the repository locally, and then checkout the develop branch. This layout does make a lot of assumptions, but the idea is that the cluster will already come configured. 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