zachsnoek react firebase chat app

That's it, guys. Firestore databases scale automatically and synchronize data across listeners. I'll set a timer, and in just 5 minutes, you'll have an up and running real-time chat application. Enter a project name, then click Continue. We can quickly get access to the authenticated user from Firebase through the auth.currentUser property. The Field input represents the key name, the Type defines what type of data it is (string, number, timesStamp, and so on), and the Value is the value of the key. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a cross-platform private messaging chat app using the power of React Native, Firebase, and Expo. We pass it a query that we construct using the query function. The name and avatar of the user are also present on the message card. We use this data to form the document object passed as the second argument to addDoc. So now I am not really into React anymore. Again, Firestore will create any collections and documents that dont exist, so we can simply specify our desired path. It also creates key-value pairs, storing our message in text, displayName in name, storing the time the message was saved in our database in createdAt, and then the users uid. Authenticating users is non-trivial and something that you want to be done correctly. We get this information from the parent component through props. Well get the roomId from props and the user from context. Alright! To follow along with this article, youll need intermediate JavaScript, React, and CSS knowledge. Firebase is a Google-built platform for developing applications. If the collection doesn't exist, it will create it for us. Note that we wont use the data viewer to explicitly create these collections and documents. First, well create a login function that uses Firebase Authentication to sign a user in via Google sign-in. We also learned how to use some of Firebases services and libraries. Here you go! Enter a nickname for your app and click on Register app. And that's it on building a real-time chat app. First, lets create a components directory to store all of our components and directories and files for our two new components: In src/components/AuthenticatedApp/index.jsx, add a placeholder component: Do the same in src/components/UnauthenticatedApp/index.jsx: Now, in src/components/App.js, lets do the authentication check described earlier, add a header, and set up our layout. After this is done, it then resets the message state to an empty string. Focus on the React bugs that matter Some specific React concepts this tutorial teaches are: If you found my tutorial helpful, please consider supporting my work financially: This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. You can find the code for this project on GitHub, and you can explore the chat room using this live link. Once that is done, it then uses the addDoc() to create a document inside a collection called messages in our database, which we have access to via the db import. To do this, head to the chatapp directory and run: npm install react-router-dom @cometchat-pro/chat . Data are flexible and can be nested within documents and contain subcollections. A custom Hook that reads database messages will allow components to get the latest synchronized data. It also returns a function, allowing us to unsubscribe from events to clean up our side effects when the component unmounts. Once logged in, the user can read the previous messages from the chat and start chatting by sending messages. To set up Firebase Authentication, go to the menu on the left side of the screen, click on Build, and select Authentication from the dropdown. First, we need to enable Google as a sign-in method in the Firebase console. Each messages subcollection will contain multiple message documents; the structure will look something like the following: To reference a document in our messages subcollection, for instance, wed use the path chat-rooms/{roomId}/messages/{documentId}. To watch the "Messages" collection for any changes, we create the following query. Did you share the correct repo? To create a new Firebase project, head over to the Firebase console, click "Add project," and follow through the steps. Step #4: Add React Router DOM. After that, create the key-value pairs of the Document. You can read more about this function in the documentation. To sign out a user, we can just call the signOut method from the Firebase SDK. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. login wraps the SDKs Google sign-in function and then sets the authenticated user in the state. freeCodeCamp's open source curriculum has helped more than 40,000 people get jobs as developers. Next, lets create the authentication context and provider. Then, to allow users to sign in using their Google account, we need to enable the Google sign-in method from the authentication page for our project. Storing global context with the Context API, Creating custom hooks for consuming context and synchronizing with external data, Using unauthenticated and authenticated app components based on the user's authentication state, Obtain your Firebase configuration following. Currently, all messages are positioned to the left, so if the logged user is the messages author, their message should be positioned to the right. Replace the default code with the following: In src/App.css, replace the default styles with these global styles: Finally, run yarn start and navigate to http://localhost:3000. She writes articles on web development that help beginners have an easier learning journey. You can either click Auto_ID to generate an id for the doc or enter one yourself. I really hope that this video was useful for you guys. I'll teach all the concepts you need to work with React, you'll get tons of hands-on practice through quizzes and programming assessments, and you'll build real-world projects on your own. The allow read: if true; means that anyone can read your database. The rules above allow you to ban a user by setting their UID to as the document ID in the banned collection. After that, click on Create project. This one is responsible for displaying the chat messages and an input field to allow the user to send new messages to the chat. Finally, you should know how to use the command terminal. We use this data to form the document object passed as the second argument to addDoc. Youll also need a Google account to access Firebase. You do not need to know how to use Firebase. Click on Build and select Firestore Database from the dropdown. Which will download and installs . Weve already done the hard part of writing the login function and passing it through context. A Firebase project is a container for Firebase apps and its resources and services, like Firestore databases and Authentication providers. Then you can run npm install firebase react-firebase-hooks to install firebase and react-firebase-hooks. Set up the Firebase project and React app, Add support for different authentication methods, Store chat rooms in Firestore instead of in code, Only show chat messages from the last minute when entering a chat room, Show a message when a user enters or leaves a chat room. In src/services/firebase.js, add the following code: Within the try block, we create a GoogleAuthProvider, which generates a credential for Google, and call getAuth, which returns a Firebase Authentication instance. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Step #6: Implementing Room List and Add Room. Our mission: to help people learn to code for free. The process I am using to deploy is the following: firebase init. Well also use Firestore SDK functions to read from and write to our database. The following components allow a user to Sign in with Google. Thats all we need to do to initialize Firebase within our application! Okay, now we need a way to check if the user is authenticated. One more thing, the onAuthStateChanged listener is asynchronous and will trigger an initial state once a connection with Firebase has been established. Again we are using the messages collection reference from the Firebase SDK and call the add method by passing in an object representing the data of the new message. Were also using the serverTimestamp function for our timestamp property so that we can sort by message date when we retrieve messages. A Firebase app (i.e., the web app or iOS app) belongs to a project; a project can have many apps, and all of its apps share the same resources and services. In this case, we don't show the sign-in button, but instead, we let him enter the chat directly. Firebase is Google's mobile platform for quickly developing apps. It provides tools for tracking analytics, reporting and fixing app crashes, and creating marketing and product experiments. Then, import the Firebase SDK along with Firestore for our database and firebase auth for user authentication. It has an empty array called messages. To get this configuration, we need a Firebase project. Chat App using React and Firebase | Realtime Private Chat Application Lama Dev 182K subscribers Join Subscribe 7.2K Share Save 233K views 5 months ago React chat application tutorial.. In the googleSignIn function, we let Firebase know that the user wants to sign in with Google using the GoogleAuthProvider(). With React Routers useParams Hook, we can retrieve the ID in the URL and find the corresponding hardcoded chatroom. The way we do it with Firestore is by setting up an active listener to react to any changes to the query we want to perform, using the onSnapshot method with an event handler callback. Once youre authenticated, you should see the text I'm authenticated! Within AuthProvider, we create our user state and a login function that calls our loginWithGoogle function and sets the user state once the user has signed in successfully. This is the project code for my React and Firebase chatroom app tutorial. will render a router that contains two routes: one with a path / that takes us to a component, and another with the path /room/:id that renders a component. Developing a Chat App With React Native Tutorial. Once you are done, you should get a JavaScript object representing the configuration of the Firebase project application you just created. Firebase Authentication supports many other authentication methods; you can learn about them in the Firebase documentation. We pass it a query that we construct using the query function. We accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available to the public. The React Router Module Is Now Available! Once the login completes, the user will be stored in state which will show the . The allow create, update, delete, write: if request.auth != null; means only authenticated clients can create, update, delete, and write to your database. The signOut function clears the auth data, returning it to null. Data is flexible and can be nested within documents containing subcollections. Let's get started! Then click on Create database and fill out the form. Now that you have an idea of how Firebase and Cloud Firestore work, let's build our app. Currently, the user state is null. Navigate to the console, then: Next, well add Firebase Authentication to our app. The app uses React for the frontend, Firestore for real-time messaging, and Firebase Authentication for Google authentication. Cloud Firestore is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database. Select your Firebase account from the dropdown or click Create a new account if you don't already have one. We form an array of messages by mapping each document, and then call the callback with the formatted messages. For now, lets display the chatroom information and provide a link back to the landing page: Recall that this component is rendered for the path /room/:id. selecting the project: whats-app-44493 (whats-app) It is a Google-backed app development platform that allows developers to build iOS, Android, and web apps. As the repo on Github has little relation to the code discussed here I'm a little confused about how to actually get this to work. useMessages will accept a roomId, store messages in state, and return the messages. Set Up the Firebase Project and the React Client So we'll fetch the messages from within the useEffect hook. If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. These help developers develop quality apps, grow their user base, and make a profit. Lets continue by implementing the component. Well use Firebase Authentications simple SDK for authenticating users with sign-in methods like email and password, Google sign-in, and phone number. I have two different react native apps with two separate firebase android apps. Before we get started, let's have a quick look at what we are building today. Recall that Firestore data is stored in key-value documents, which are grouped into collections. Every document must belong to a collection. Cloud Firestore stores data within "documents," which are contained within "collections." Finally, we need to initialize Firebase in our app by passing in the Firebase project configuration. The firebaseConfig object comes from the information thats shown after you register your app under Add Firebase SDK: initializeApp returns a Firebase App instance, which allows our application to use common configuration and authentication across Firebase services. Lets test our router by implementing so that we can select a chat room. Firebase Authentication (SDK) is a Firebase tool that supports different authentication methods like passwords, phone numbers, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Github, and more. Finally, the last thing we need to do is to add a new web app to our Firebase project. Lets start by creating getMessages. First, well create a login function that uses Firebase Authentication to sign in a user via a Google sign-in. To access all the documents returned by our query, we can just get it from the docs property of the QuerySnapshot and loop over it to get the data for each document alongside the document id. And implement the onSubmit event handler to add the new messages to our Firestore database. You can also use query cursors to read the messages by batches. Step #8: Run and Test React JS Firebase Chat Web App. Previously, I mentioned that well use our useAuth Hook to determine if we should show a login screen or not. First, we need to create a Firestore Database in the console: Starting Cloud Firestore in test mode allows us to get started quickly without immediately worrying about setting up security rules. try LogRocket today. Import the following: Replace the user state with the code below: And edit the googleSignIn and signOut functions: The useAuthState function gets triggered when the user signs in or out, allowing us access to the users details. In src/components/ChatRoom.index.jsx, add the code below: Now, lets set up the router in and render the routes with our new components. Itll use an effect to fetch messages with getMessages, and unsubscribe the listener when the effect cleans up: Next, well create the component to fetch and render messages for a room. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. To add Firebase to an application, we first need to create a Firebase project and register our Firebase app. Next, well create a custom useAuth Hook to consume this context. [FREE COURSE] Build A Serverless JAMStack Micro-Blogging App Using Next.Js, Tailwind CSS, And FaunaDB. Come connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter, and GitHub! Once the resources are provisioned, click Continue to navigate to the projects overview page. Data is stored in documents as key-value pairs, and documents are organized into collections. Click on Get . This is the project code for my React and Firebase chatroom app tutorial. Additionally, well use React Router, a library for routing in React. After a user signs in for the first time, a new user account is created and stored as part of your Firebase project. In this tutorial we will build a private chat app with React and Firebase. Great! Add the following code to src/components/MessageInput/index.jsx: Add the styles to src/components/MessageInput/styles.css: Now, we can render the component in : If you go back to http://localhost:3000/room/dogs, you should see the message input: Try entering a few messages and then go back to the data viewer in the Firebase console. To do so, we can create a last component called Message to render each individual message from within the Channel component. If you found my post helpful, please consider supporting my work financially: Getting started : Now, we have basic authentication in our application. A Firebase app (i.e., the web app or iOS app) belongs to a project; a project can have many apps, and all of its apps share the same resources and services. Testing our new sign-in and sign-out functions, we see the following: Now let's do the same for our Welcome Component, which currently has the following code: Now we can also log in from the second Sign in button: Currently, we are displaying a dummy message from our Message Component, and the Send button also does not perform any action. addDoc accepts a collection, which we obtain a reference to using collection, and a document object. will render a router that contains two routes: one with path / that takes us to a component, and another with the path /room/:id that renders a component. It is one of those tools that once you start using it, you can't stop using it. Add styles to src/components/MessageList/styles.css: Finally, render the component in above the we added earlier: Congrats, you now have a working chatroom app built with React and Firebase! Lastly, lets set up our component, which well finish implementing later. . On the overview page: After the app is registered, you should see instructions for adding the Firebase SDK to your project under Add Firebase SDK: Keep this page open; well come back to it in the next section to grab our Firebase configuration. Have a quick look at what we are building today the project code for my React Firebase. We need to initialize Firebase within our application curriculum has helped more than people. Tag already exists with the provided branch name in via Google sign-in can click. Services and libraries to consume this context analytics, reporting and fixing app crashes, and you can the. Is harassing, offensive or spammy GitHub, and interactive coding lessons - all freely available the. Second argument to addDoc and a document object passed as the second to! Work, let 's have a quick look at what we are building today access.. Servertimestamp function for our database simple SDK for authenticating users is non-trivial and that! 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