give directly charity

GiveDirectly aimed to reach approximately 2,261 refugee households (primarily from DRC) with transfers of $750 (delivered in two installments) as well as approximately 3,600 neighboring host households (as part of GiveDirectly's standard Rwanda program) . No Credit: The charity did not have its audited financials prepared by an independent accountant. In 2016, we did not ask for a sample. It is possible that some activities, such as policy-relevant experimentation or partnership projects, could cause significant sector impact in the future; we have not looked in-depth at the impact of these activities (beyond the direct impact on recipients).158 Below we discuss GiveDirectly's methods for distributing funds to recipients and two cases of staff fraud that GiveDirectly has uncovered. Joe Huston, GiveDirectly CFO, comments on review, March 2020 (unpublished). For example: "Indonesian government and World Bank ([Redacted]). Describe briefly. Scope 3.1 The scope of this policy applies to everyone involved in the Zakat collection, management, and distribution process, whether at a non-executives or executive level, whether paid or This is: Offer an option to Muslim donors; grow effective giving, published by GiveDirectly on March 16. GiveDirectly, How it works 2014. (Less). Read the IRS policies for compensation reporting. There is evidence of wide-ranging positive outcomes and immediate improvements in recipients lives. GiveDirectly believes there has been an increase in the number of studies that include cash arms (and GiveDirectly was invited to implement the cash arms of several new evaluations). The second is some larger scale organized crime, but we do not see this as a threat that meaningfully increases as we scale as any attempt at theft would still need to target small individual disbursed transactions, which is the same fundamental risk to our current program that we believe our current structure has had a strong track record in mitigating." These organizations also supply givers with greater confidence by maintaining broad public support for their programs. GiveDirectly notes that it was not involved in the fundraising or spending for this research study, though it did incur costs due to coordinating with researchers. GiveDirectly is also launching a USAID youth cash transfer program in Morocco. Joe Huston, GiveDirectly CFO, comments on review, March 2020 (unpublished). We provide convenience, security and customization for processing donations, event registrations, and membership dues online. Recipients were initially hesitant to come forward. We include in a charity's working capital unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets, and exclude permanently restricted net assets. There are a number of ways this can be discovered -- either by asking neighbors, or observing that a recipient does not have at hand items (like vaccination forms) that would be in their possession if they were actually at their home, suggesting they dont actually live where they are claiming to live." GiveDirectly transferred voting rights in these shares back to two proxyholders who are founders of Segovia, as part of an arrangement in which those founders donated economic interest in those shares toGiveDirectly but retained voting rights. The nonprofit organization presents evidence of strategic thinking through articulating the organization's mission. Do the cash transfers lead to more frequent or more serious criminal activity? Field Officers (FOs) implement the steps required on the ground to enroll and follow up with households. GiveDirectly is one of the strongest programs that weve found in years of research and we continue to have a very high view of their work. GiveDirectly is a nonprofit organization operating in East Africa that helps families living in extreme poverty by making unconditional cash transfers to them via mobile phone. While we believe that this is a reasonable estimate of the percentage of funds that will reach recipient households in the future, it is an imperfect estimate in a few ways: A breakdown of GiveDirectly's spending from August 2016 to February 2018 is in GiveWell's analysis of GiveDirectly financial summary through February 2018. ", "While payments for the long-term group will continue for 12 years, we'll have results on how long-term cash transfers influence short-term decisions and welfare within the first 1-2 years.". New York, NY 10008. Oriana Bandiera et al. GiveDirectly, Kenya follow up data, November 2014. ", "List of countries in which GiveDirectly is currently activeKenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi, Liberia, DRC, Morocco, Bahamas, US. Responses are unedited63 Give the page a little longer to finish Givedirectly has earned a 89% for the Accountability & Finance beacon. GiveDirectly told us that it recognizes this issue and maintains a hotline to provide recipients with assistance in navigating the M-PESA system: GiveDirectly helps recipients with issues using M-PESA via our hotline. Joe Huston, comment on this review, September 10, 2018, GiveWell, aka The Clear Fund (a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) public charity), was founded in 2007. GiveDirectly originated as a giving circle started by Paul Niehaus, Michael Faye, Rohit Wanchoo, and Jeremy Shapiro, students at MIT and Harvard, based on their research into philanthropy. For example, it is partnering with USAID and the World Bank in Liberia, with the UK government's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office in Kenya, and with the European Union in Rwanda.36, GiveDirectly has run or is running additional partnership projects with other funders, generally foundations. I am optimistic that this time around, she will notice an improvement in her performance." We have excluded this from our calculations of what portion of GiveDirectly's all-time incurred expenses were cash grants. The figure was 0.1% in Uganda and 1.5% in Rwanda.131 ", [GiveWell]: "How did GiveDirectly become aware that it might have been missing some incoming calls to the hotline and how will the new call center technology fix this issue? Cash is adaptable to recipients varying, and sometimes changing, needs. page with additional, detailed information on GiveDirectly, our page with additional information about GiveDirectly, publicly provided the plan for collecting and analyzing data, a report on the results of the pilot study, this intervention faces an unusually low burden of proof, site visit to GiveDirectly's program in Kenya in 2012, page with additional information about GiveDirectly, RCT of GiveDirectly's program in Rarieda and the broader literature on cash transfers, 2012 discussion of the cost-effectiveness of cash transfers and other interventions, Carolina Toth, conversation with GiveWell, November 12, 2015, Carolina Toth, email to GiveWell, November 10, 2015, Carolina Toth, email to GiveWell, October 20, 2015, Center for Global Development blog post, April 2018, Conversation with Carolina Toth, GiveDirectly, November 20, 2014, Conversation with GiveDirectly, April 8, 2014, Conversation with GiveDirectly, December 7, 2013, Conversation with GiveDirectly, July 7, 2014, Conversation with Paul Niehaus, President, and Joy Sun, COO, Domestic, GiveDirectly, July 18, 2013, Conversation with Paul Niehaus, President, and Joy Sun, COO, Domestic, GiveDirectly, July 18, 2013 (unpublished), Conversation with Piali Mukhopadhyay, GiveDirectly, October 20-21, 2014, Conversation with Piali Mukhopadhyay, GiveDirectly, October 20-21, 2014 (unpublished), Conversation with Stuart Skeates, GiveDirectly, October 20-21, 2014 (unpublished), Crown Agents Bank, Crown Agents Bank acquires Segovia to strengthen its frontier markets payment platform, 2019, Dylan Matthews, Vox article, April 15, 2016, Email from Joe Huston, GiveDirectly, April 20, 2018, Email from Paul Niehaus, President, GiveDirectly, and Joy Sun, COO, Domestic, GiveDirectly, November 18, 2013, GiveDirectly blog, Fighting fraud in Uganda, GiveDirectly census data, standard Rwanda, July-November 2017, GiveDirectly Disbursement figures for 2018 and targets for 2019, GiveDirectly financial summary through February 2018, GiveDirectly financial summary through July 2017, GiveDirectly staff, responses to monitoring questions, October 11, 2016, GiveDirectly, "Respond to COVID-19 in Africa," 2020, GiveDirectly, 2019 disbursement figures and 2020 targets, GiveDirectly, Blog post, "Announcing cash for refugees," March 27, 2018, GiveDirectly, Blog post, "How facial identification technology could help our field ops," April 4, 2019, GiveDirectly, Blog post, "How participants opt in to GDLive," November 17, 2016, GiveDirectly, Blog post, "Our take on HS18, revisited," April 20, 2018, GiveDirectly, Blog post, September 22, 2016, GiveDirectly, Blog post, September 5, 2016, GiveDirectly, Check in with GiveWell, September 2014, GiveDirectly, Contextualizing transfer size, GiveDirectly, Dashboard Metrics for GiveWell, August 2017, GiveDirectly, Distributed cash out follow up with vulnerable recipients, GiveDirectly, email newsletter, August 15, 2017, GiveDirectly, email newsletter, December 27, 2016, GiveDirectly, Enrollment speed of distributions - Siaya and Rarieda, GiveDirectly, Final report Nike girls study, GiveDirectly, Follow-up tracker, July 2013, GiveDirectly, Follow-up tracker, October 2014, GiveDirectly, GE research and measurement plan, GiveDirectly, Google follow-up data - disaggregated (LS - long), GiveDirectly, Google transfer schedule, July 2013, GiveDirectly, Google verification, September 2013, GiveDirectly, Kenya 1.2M enrollment database, GiveDirectly, Kenya 2M census results, July 2013, GiveDirectly, Kenya 2M enrollment database, September 2013, GiveDirectly, Kenya follow up data, November 2014, GiveDirectly, Kenya hotline log, July 2013, GiveDirectly, Kenya randomized sample of adverse events, 2014-2015, GiveDirectly, Kenya rolling campaign enrollment database - Homa Bay, GiveDirectly, Kenya rolling campaign enrollment database - Siaya, GiveDirectly, Kenya top 10 adverse events 2015, GiveDirectly, Kenya verification template, August 2013, GiveDirectly, Kenya, Uganda, and Rwanda enrollment database, 2016, GiveDirectly, Monthly operations report, August 2015, GiveDirectly, Monthly operations report, February 2016, GiveDirectly, Monthly operations report, October 2014, GiveDirectly, Nike follow-up data - disaggregated, GiveDirectly, Nike verification (combined), May 2013, GiveDirectly, Nike verification (final), September 2013, GiveDirectly, Nike verification (short version), June 2013, GiveDirectly, Offering Memorandum (January 2012), GiveDirectly, Operational process overview, GiveDirectly, Performance - Quality of Service, September 2016, GiveDirectly, Rarieda Top-up Verification (short), GiveDirectly, Rarieda verification (top ups), May 26, 2013, GiveDirectly, Refugee pilot study results, GiveDirectly, Room for funding update for GiveWell, October 2016, GiveDirectly, Siaya follow-up data - disaggregated, GiveDirectly, Siaya poverty data by location, GiveDirectly, Siaya verification, June 15, 2013, GiveDirectly, Survey for randomized controlled trial, GiveDirectly, UBI cost-effectiveness estimate, GiveDirectly, Uganda 2M campaign enrollment database, GiveDirectly, Uganda pilot enrollment database - Akumure, GiveDirectly, Uganda pilot enrollment database - Kanyamutamu, GiveDirectly, Uganda pilot enrollment database - Kawo, GiveDirectly, Uganda pilot enrollment database - Kosile, GiveDirectly, Uganda pilot follow up data, April 2014, GiveDirectly, Uganda randomized sample of adverse events, 2014-2015, GiveDirectly, Uganda targeting data, July 22, 2013, GiveDirectly, Uganda top 10 adverse events 2015, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell on experimentation, September 2016, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, April 2014, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, February 2015, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, February 2016, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, July 2013, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, July 2014, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, May 2015, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, October 2014, GiveDirectly, Update for GiveWell, September 2015, GiveDirectly, Update on process changes, August 28, 2013, GiveDirectly, Updated data (March 31, 2012), GiveDirectly, Verification data (November 17, 2011), GiveDirectly, Verification template (November 7, 2011), GiveDirectly, Verification template (October 1, 2012), GiveDirectly, Village selection process Kenya, GiveDirectly, Village targeting regression, GiveDirectly, What We Do - Operating Model, GiveDirectly, What We Do - Operating Model, October 2016, GiveWell site visit to GiveDirectly, October 2014, GiveWell, GiveDirectly financials - May 2016, GiveWell, GiveDirectly follow up surveys summary - Kenya, September 2015, GiveWell, GiveDirectly follow up surveys summary - Uganda, September 2015, GiveWell, Room for more funding analysis for GiveDirectly, 2020, GiveWell, spot checks of Segovia follow-up data sample, 2016, GiveWell, spot checks of Segovia registration sample 2016, GiveWell, Summary of GiveDirectly's experimentation work, 2020, GiveWell's non-verbatim summary of a conversation with Carolina Toth, GiveDirectly, October 1, 2014, GiveWell's non-verbatim summary of a conversation with Ian Bassin and Piali Mukhopadhyay, GiveDirectly, August 23, 2016, GiveWell's non-verbatim summary of a conversation with Matt Johnson and Paul Niehaus, June 28, 2017, GiveWell's non-verbatim summary of a conversation with Paul Niehaus and Carolina Toth, September 7, 2015, GiveWell's non-verbatim summary of a conversation with Paul Niehaus, Carolina Toth, and Ian Bassin, August 12, 2016, GiveWell's non-verbatim summary of a conversation with Paul Niehaus, Carolina Toth, and Ian Bassin, February 23, 2016, Ground Truth Solutions, Survey of affected people and field staff in GiveDirectly's refugee program in Uganda, January 2018, Ian Bassin and Piali Mukhopadhyay, conversation with GiveWell, August 23, 2016, Ian Bassin, COO, Domestic, GiveDirectly, email to GiveWell, August 25, 2016, Ian Bassin, edits to GiveWell's review, November 10, 2016, IGIHE, "Ubudehe undergoes reforms, poverty numbers worrying," April 2016, Innovations for Poverty Action, Benchmarking a WASH and nutrition program to cash in Rwanda, Innovations for Poverty Action, The impact of unconditional cash transfers on general welfare in Kenya, Jean Junior, The Perspectives of Young Women in Siaya County, Kenya: Their Lives and Their Thoughts on Cash Transfer Programs, Johannes Haushofer and Jeremy Shapiro, Welfare Effects of Unconditional Cash Transfers: Pre-Analysis Plan, June 27, 2013, Johannes Haushofer and Paul Niehaus, DIL Demonstration Proposal, Lydia Tala, GiveDirectly Field Assistant, conversation with GiveWell, November 7, 2012, Michael Faye and Paul Niehaus, Slate article, April 14, 2016, Paul Niehaus and Carolina Toth, conversation with GiveWell, May 28, 2015, Paul Niehaus and Ian Bassin, conversation with Givewell, September 15, 2016, Paul Niehaus and Johannes Haushofer, Optimizing Impact for the Mobile Era - Final Report, Paul Niehaus, AMA on Reddit, May 31, 2016, Paul Niehaus, Carolina Toth, and Ian bassin, conversation with GiveWell, August 12, 2016, Paul Niehaus, GiveDirectly Founder, conversation with GiveWell, October 22 2012, Paul Niehaus, GiveDirectly Founder, email to GiveWell, November 20, 2012, Piali Mukhopadhyay, COO, International, GiveDirectly, conversation with GiveWell, November 8, 2012, Piali Mukhopadhyay, COO, International, GiveDirectly, email to GiveWell, November 23, 2012, UCSD, Policy Design and Evaluation Lab, "Tracking the Impact of GiveDirectly Transfers with Mobile Surveys in Kenya", XE currency converter, Kenya shillings to US dollars, September 25, 2015, XE currency converter, Uganda shillings to US dollars, September 25, 2015, previous versions of our review of GiveDirectly, Why were excited to fund charities work a few years in the future, Two partnership projects (one with USAID), Cash transfer programs offer an evidence-backed opportunity to improve peoples lives very directly. 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