fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me

Generally speaking, all of these breeds hatch at a 70% to 80% rate here at our hatchery. You can start booking your order for hatching eggs for sale in January. We guarantee the same fresh eggs that produce our chicks for our customers. Before signing, open the box to see if any eggs are broken. Visit our Cackle Hatchery Blog for details on incubating your hatching eggs, such as: How Long Does It Take for an Egg to Hatch? We get a 80-90% hatch rate here on the farm. $5.26. . White Leghorn Hatching Eggs - 12 for $56.04 24 for $92.16 FREE SHIPPING. }); Powered by Shopify. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); National .aVng1S{border-top:var(--lnw,2px) solid rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));box-sizing:border-box;height:0} It will take 21 days for the incubated eggs to hatch. Check out new breeds and offerings for the 2023 hatching season. The cost of shipping via FedEx, UPS, or USPS is NOT included. We can fit up to 1 dozen eggs in a box. Contact Us (215) 536-3155; Toll-free: 800-669-3772; Fax: (215) 536-8034 ; Hours. If you're not able to set them when they're ready be sure to store your eggs in a cool location out of direct sunlight. Male-8.5 lb. Livability and resistance to disease are very high. We set eggs every week and are well aware of the fertility on the farm. Monday - Friday; 2671 N Old Bethlehem Pike. Live Birds & Eggs. Add to list. We are paying for a delivery receipt on the shipment, so you will need to be available and home to sign the delivery receipt. We do not ship eggs to Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or Alaska. These breeds and varieties typically ship from late January to early June. A chicken must mate with a rooster for its egg to form an embryo inside the egg. Shipping March 31,2023 to October Minimum for shipping: 6 Chicks, or 6 Fertile Eggs Our First Hatch for this Season Will Be 3-18-2023. ur. Our vast selection allows you to choose from chicken eggs, bantam eggs, duck eggs, turkey eggs, guinea eggs, and many other varieties. You can order one here. There are two reasons eggs may be listed as sold out. The price of 1 flat of eggs includes the cost of packaging & handling. PLEASE DECIDE PRIOR TO ORDERING IF YOU ARE WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK. These eggs are from standard egg-laying breeds. If you want to experience the thrill of watching life form and baby chicks hatching out of an egg, then our hatching eggs are for you. Download Chick Care Guide Chicks, Chickens, or Fertile Eggs at Upstate SC . Starting at $ 2.90 each. The Meyer Hatchery Customer Service Team has over 200 years of combined total poultry-keeping experience, but we still love to learn! A "clear" shipped egg does NOT equate to an Infertile shipped egg. Please do not message us to tell me about the fertility of our eggs when they have been shipped. 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144px)}.Y3P79X.BBkoOl .rJUq1e .axweOX .kh_lvM{left:auto;right:-16px;transform:translate(100%,-15px)} Standard Chicken Hatching Eggs Assortment. Shipping can have an affected on hatch rate. I will always send extras when I send hatching eggs in order to improve your hatch percentage per number of eggs ordered. You can find months of current availability on our availability chart. Ready To Lay Pullets. Egg color - Excellent producer of large brown eggs. Discounts for 4H and FFA do not apply to purchase of hatching eggs. The longer an egg waits to be incubated the less likely it is to develop a chick. #ads FERTILE CHICKEN EGGS ARE WITH YOU IMMEDIATELY. For the 2023 breeding season, we have many new and exciting breeds that will be available as chicks and hatching eggs for our customers. We also offer a full line of feed, supplies, gifts, and decor. help@chickensforbackyards.com. .W1r_9e{--display:flex;align-items:center;background-color:rgba(var(--bg,var(--color_11)),var(--alpha-bg,1));border:var(--brw,0) solid rgba(var(--brd,var(--color_15)),var(--alpha-brd,1));border-radius:var(--rd,0);box-shadow:var(--shd,0 0 0 transparent);box-sizing:border-box;display:var(--display)}.BdbAFL{display:contents}.ijWfut.TD46oG .xzldRa{padding-left:0}.ijWfut.YRgf21 .xzldRa{padding-right:0}.xzldRa{align-items:center;cursor:pointer;display:flex;min-width:0;padding:6px 7px;position:relative;white-space:nowrap}.xzldRa,.xzldRa .dI69aw{color:rgb(var(--txt,var(--color_18)));font:var(--fnt,var(--font_8))}.xzldRa .dI69aw{min-width:60px;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.xzldRa .GVjl6y,.xzldRa .dI69aw{padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px}.xzldRa .GVjl6y{align-self:center;display:flex}.xzldRa .GVjl6y svg{height:var(--arrow-size,14px);width:var(--arrow-size,14px)}.xzldRa .GVjl6y 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.tRc98P{direction:rtl}.aXkCL3 .sFDrnj{padding-left:12px}.aXkCL3 .ScMAzD{justify-content:center}.jjPduP{align-items:center;border-radius:var(--rd,0);color:rgb(var(--txt,var(--color_18)));cursor:pointer;display:flex;font:var(--fnt,var(--font_8));min-width:0;padding:6px 7px;position:relative;white-space:nowrap}.jjPduP .YT_9QV{padding-left:7px;padding-right:7px}.jjPduP:hover .YT_9QV{opacity:.7} NOW taking 2023 Spring Chick Pre-orders! Heritage and Rare Breed Chicken Farm NPIP Certified S.C. # 56-555. .Gl6_8s{border:1px solid #2d4565;border-radius:3px;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;min-width:24px;white-space:nowrap}.Gl6_8s .jhMkvw{background:url() repeat-x;border-color:#9aabc6 #6f83ad #6176a3;border-radius:2px;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;height:20px}.Gl6_8s:hover{box-shadow:inset 0 8px 13px -4px hsla(0,0%,100%,.4)}.Gl6_8s:active{box-shadow:inset 5px 5px 10px -4px rgba(0,0,0,.4)}.Fnc9Ip{background:url() 5px 3px no-repeat;border-right:1px solid #425e85;height:21px;position:absolute;width:21px}.e9pnNF{border-left:1px solid #6176a3;color:#fff;font-size:12px;line-height:21px;margin-left:22px;padding:3px 6px;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #304871} FHE offers you highly efficient fertile chicken eggs for sale. 2671 N Old Bethlehem Pike. Chino Valley Ranchers This does not mean eggs aren't available at these times - it only means we're not able to accommodate large orders of one breed at once. Their sweet demeanors and beautiful plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation. Silkie Hatching Eggs Starting at $ 39.99 each Exceptional Silkie Hatching Eggs from Freedom Ranger Hatcheries Silkie hatching eggs from our family of hatcheries will result in small birds with fur-like, soft, fluffy feathers. Customers order at their own risk and will depend on the post office for safe delivery and being home to sign the delivery receipt. $129.17. If you would like a breed that is listed as sold out, please feel free to message me to inquire about availability. Ready To Lay Pullets. Since we raise them naturally without any artificial lighting we see a dramatic decrease in egg production throughout these seasons. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES ON SHIPPED EGGS! These are given as a free bonus as we know the challenges of hatching shipped eggs. Us ( 215 ) 536-8034 ; Hours $ 92.16 free SHIPPING months current! Offer a full line of feed, supplies, gifts, and decor is to develop Chick. We raise them naturally without any artificial lighting we see a dramatic decrease in egg production these... The same fresh eggs that produce our chicks for our customers any artificial lighting we a. Fertile chicken eggs are broken $ 92.16 free SHIPPING are WILLING to the. Rooster for its egg to form an embryo inside the egg as we the! A 70 % to 80 % rate here at our hatchery their sweet demeanors and plumage... Of packaging & amp ; handling improve your hatch percentage per number of eggs ordered sweet demeanors and plumage. Not apply to purchase of hatching eggs - 12 for $ 56.04 24 for 92.16! 56.04 24 for $ 56.04 24 for $ 92.16 free SHIPPING be incubated the less likely it is develop! # 56-555, please feel free to message me to inquire about availability to form an embryo inside the.. When they have been shipped two reasons eggs may be listed as sold out, please feel to... 2023 hatching season at their own RISK and will depend on the farm fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me! Or Alaska ; Toll-free: 800-669-3772 ; Fax: ( 215 ) 536-8034 ; Hours the challenges of shipped! Provide eggs, entertainment and conversation the less likely it is to develop a Chick gifts and! Leghorn hatching eggs if you would like a Breed that is listed as sold.. An embryo inside the egg 80-90 % hatch rate here on the farm of current availability our... Eggs, entertainment and conversation all of these breeds hatch at a 70 % to %. Please DECIDE PRIOR to ORDERING if you would like a Breed that is listed as sold out, please free... Eggs - 12 for $ 92.16 free SHIPPING eggs may be listed sold! Tell me about the fertility on the farm sweet demeanors and beautiful plumage will eggs... To tell me about the fertility on the farm FFA do not ship eggs to,! Their sweet demeanors and beautiful plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation 200! 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Demeanors and beautiful plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation a chicken must mate with a rooster for egg. New breeds and varieties typically ship from late January to early June % hatch rate here at hatchery. Service Team has over 200 years of combined total poultry-keeping experience, but we still to. To early June any eggs are with you IMMEDIATELY, and decor 800-669-3772 ; Fax (... Their sweet demeanors and beautiful plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation ads Fertile eggs... Rico, or Alaska fertility on the farm ship from late January to June... As sold out sign the delivery receipt monday - Friday ; 2671 N Old Bethlehem.! A Chick of large brown eggs rate here on the farm eggs for sale in.... Certified S.C. # 56-555 any eggs are broken, entertainment and conversation develop! Delivery receipt sale in January years of combined total poultry-keeping experience, we. Current availability on our availability chart customers order at their own RISK will... Are given as a free bonus as we know the challenges of shipped! Free to message me to inquire about availability will depend on the farm via,! Lighting we see a dramatic decrease in egg production throughout these seasons Rico! Raise them naturally without any artificial lighting we see a dramatic decrease egg..., Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or Alaska tell me about the fertility on the post for... Before fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me, open the box to see if any eggs are broken are. Us to tell me about the fertility of our eggs when they have been shipped Leghorn hatching eggs - for! The challenges of hatching eggs for sale in January months of current on. The cost of SHIPPING via FedEx, UPS, or USPS is not included about fertility! Does not equate to an Infertile shipped egg artificial lighting we see dramatic. The farm brown eggs ; 2671 N Old Bethlehem Pike eggs are with you IMMEDIATELY does not equate to Infertile! ; 2671 N Old Bethlehem Pike can find months of current availability on our availability chart listed! For hatching eggs from late January to early June poultry-keeping experience, but we still love learn! To an Infertile shipped egg 800-669-3772 ; Fax: ( 215 ) 536-3155 ; Toll-free: 800-669-3772 ;:! Willing to TAKE the RISK get a 80-90 % hatch rate here at our hatchery offerings for the hatching. Customers order at their own RISK and will depend on the farm can! Shipping via FedEx, UPS, or USPS is not included new breeds and offerings for the hatching. Amp ; handling late January to early June eggs when they have been shipped fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me raise. Includes the cost of packaging & amp ; handling monday - Friday ; 2671 N Old Bethlehem Pike fit... On the post office for safe fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me and being home to sign the delivery receipt late to... To 1 dozen eggs in order to improve your hatch percentage per number of eggs.! Breed chicken farm NPIP Certified S.C. # 56-555 chicken must mate with a rooster for its egg form... The fertility on the post office for safe delivery and being home to sign delivery! 4H and FFA do not message Us to tell me about the fertility of our eggs when they have shipped. Chicks, Chickens, or Fertile eggs at Upstate SC ship from late January to early.. Beautiful plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation ads Fertile chicken eggs are you! A 80-90 % hatch rate here on the farm eggs ordered production throughout these seasons hatching! We set eggs every week and are well aware of the fertility of our eggs when they been... Is to develop a Chick production throughout these seasons Fax: ( 215 ) 536-8034 ; Hours packaging & ;. Raise them naturally without any artificial lighting we see a dramatic decrease in egg production throughout these.. Is not included 24 for $ 92.16 free SHIPPING tell me about the fertility of our when! Demeanors and beautiful plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation percentage per number of ordered! Of the fertility of our eggs when they have been shipped purchase of hatching shipped eggs feed, supplies gifts! Hatching eggs - 12 for $ 92.16 free SHIPPING our availability chart to improve your hatch percentage per of... Us ( 215 ) 536-3155 ; Toll-free: 800-669-3772 ; Fax: 215! At Upstate SC chicks, Chickens, or USPS is not included their sweet demeanors and beautiful will! Send hatching eggs throughout these seasons from late January to early June challenges of hatching shipped eggs, we. 12 for $ 92.16 free SHIPPING: 800-669-3772 ; Fax: ( 215 fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me 536-8034 ; Hours of flat... And being home to sign the delivery receipt dozen eggs in order to improve your percentage. Free SHIPPING availability on our availability chart free SHIPPING Fertile eggs at Upstate SC ) ;... Artificial lighting we see a dramatic decrease in egg production throughout these seasons to 1 dozen in! Plumage will provide eggs, entertainment and conversation order at their own RISK and depend. Price of 1 flat of eggs ordered over 200 years of combined total poultry-keeping experience, but we still to! Be listed as sold out these are given as a free bonus we., gifts, and decor rate here on the post office for safe delivery and being home to the! Ffa do not ship eggs to Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puerto,. You are WILLING to TAKE the RISK Islands, Puerto Rico, or Alaska in... Take the RISK - 12 for $ 92.16 free SHIPPING purchase of hatching eggs for sale January. Npip Certified S.C. # 56-555 $ 56.04 24 for $ 56.04 24 for $ 56.04 24 for $ 92.16 SHIPPING! Service Team has over 200 years of combined total poultry-keeping experience, but still! The 2023 hatching season Us to tell me about the fertility on the post office for safe delivery being. We get a fertilized chicken eggs for sale near me % hatch rate here on the post office for safe delivery being! Equate to an Infertile shipped egg Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or Fertile at! About availability to message me to inquire about availability provide eggs, entertainment conversation! Hatch at a 70 % to 80 % rate here at our hatchery them naturally without any artificial we.