environmental science and sustainable development introduction
Examples of disturbance include clear-cutting, fishing, and forest fires. Wilson, E.O. These dimensions are interconnected, and a balanced approach is necessary to achieve sustainable development goals. Discuss the environmental effects of humans as a function of population, affluence, and technology. $ P z@ ( zJ*wYJ5J( eH@\E*=q6rG5iCSJGFzD=q4MS%JUMtUjA)1zR^7nO8lOv\\Ng By doing this, he has contributed greatly to the identification and resolution of environmental problems in Canada and the world. Even highly stable ecosystems such as tropical rainforest and communities of deep regions of the oceans change inexorably over time. /Width 620 Define environmental science, environmental studies, and ecology. An even more extensive cataclysm ended about 12,000 years ago, when glaciation covered virtually all of Canada with enormous ice sheets up to several kilometres thick. /CA 1.0 Animals may survive the hard times of winter by migrating, hibernating, or feeding on plant biomass remaining from the previous growing season. E , @ P @ P T L (@ . TH$UQ hP1&( P xb E 0T R;p bTPoIB^ *U{ AP P@ (P(P(P($E &E 1 @@~=JB3Aj.{z Similarly, great areas may be affected by sudden increases of spruce budworm, a moth that can kill most mature trees in firspruce forest, or by the mountain pine beetle, which kills pine trees. Obviously, the different values concerning old-growth forest on Vancouver Island are in severe conflict. Aesthetic values are also utilitarian but are based on an appreciation of beauty, but they are subjective and influenced by cultural perspectives. The subject matter of environmental engages forms of understanding that are relevant to identifying, understanding, and resolving environmental problems. 2006. Rather, a major part of the subject is to find ways to repair many of the damages that have been caused, and to prevent others that might yet occur. In fact, no other outcome could be considered acceptable. 6 0 obj On the other hand, aesthetics that are heavily influenced by more anthropogenic considerations might result in the opposite preferences. 1.2 Biological Molecules We discuss how current and future capabilities in nanotechnology align with and support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Source: B. Freedman. These kinds of relatively benevolent conditions allow the most complex and biodiverse ecosystems to develop, namely old-growth rainforest and coral reefs. /Type /Metadata Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. However, because the per-capita data for the U.S. and Canada are similar, relative population sizes are the key influence on the environmental impacts of these two countries. One such property might be the total number of organisms present in a defined area, which might be measured as the sum of all of the individual plants, animals, and microorganisms that are estimated to be present. Foundations of Environmental Ethics. For example, the death of a large tree within an otherwise intact forest creates a local zone of damage, referred to as a microdisturbance. 3rd ed. These are, of course, only opinions, albeit the informed views of many environmental specialists. /Length 1277 Define environmental science and studies. Our need for those resources is absolute we cannot survive without them. @ ( /Height 800 This would cause terrible misery for huge numbers of people and colossal damage to the biosphere. endobj These result in ecosystems that are not very natural in character, such as the pavement and grassy edges of this major highway in Toronto. Human beings have a long history of developing underground space. The solutions have generally involved management of the environment or other species to the benefit of humans, or the development of social systems and technologies that allow a more efficient exploitation of natural resources. << 3rd ed. Moreover, most politicians, economic planners, and business people hope for additional growth of economic activity, in order to generate more wealth and to provide a better life for citizens. P e b(P @ P @ dP2 \ This is illustrated in Figure 1.1, which suggests that all fields of scientific knowledge are relevant to understanding the causes, consequences, and resolution of environmental problems. Sustainable development refers to development of an economic system that uses natural resources in ways that do not deplete them or otherwise compromise their availability to future generations. This small-scale disturbance induces a local succession of vigorously growing plants that attempt to achieve individual success by occupying the newly available gap in the forest canopy. From the Karez and underground tombs in BC to the London metro in 1863, from the Tokyo declaration in 1991 to the Shanghai declaration in 2019, with human settlement, the formation of cities, and the development of society, underground space has been Economic growth refers to increases in the size of an economy because of expansions of both population and per-capita resource use. WebIntroduction The recent interest in global warming and sustainable development has become a global talk. actions that can solve environmental problems. However, during the cultural evolution of humans, the ecological changes associated with our activities progressively intensified. Want to create or adapt books like this? The modern environmental crisis involves population growth, resource depletion, and environmental degradation. Identifying and resolving the barriers to ecological sustainability are the fundamental objectives and subject matter of environmental studies. Issues covered include environment protection and sustainable development. The intense damage caused by humans and our economy is, of course, a major element of the subject matter of environmental science. Egyptian vultures pick up stones in their beak and drop them on ostrich eggs, breaking them and allowing access to the rich food inside. More recent technological revolutions include the following: These and other revolutionary innovations all led to substantial increases in the ability of humans to exploit the resources of their environment and to achieve population growth. Ballantine, New York, NY. Describe the hierarchical structure of the universe and list the elements that encompass the realms of biology and ecology. No single way of understanding the environment is correct. Exponential population growth, and the poverty of so many people, underlies much of the environmental crisis. Ultimately, a sustainable economy must be supported by renewable resources. Beyond that, however, an ecologically sustainable economy runs without causing an irretrievable loss of natural ecosystems or extinctions of species, while also maintaining important environmental services, such as the provision of clean air and water. WebThe Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015 seek to address the greatest challenges humanity faces: poverty, inequality, hunger, climate change, pandemics and diseases, and ecosystem and biodiversity losses. 1.4: Environment and environmental science The word environment describes living and nonliving surroundings relevant to organisms. endobj Chimpanzees modify twigs and use them to extract termites, a favourite food, from termite mounds. WebEnvironmental engineering science (EES) is a multidisciplinary field of engineering science that combines the biological, chemical and physical sciences with the field of engineering. /OPM 1 According to the biocentric and ecocentric world views, all species have intrinsic value. Paul Ehrlich, an American ecologist, has expressed this simple relationship using an impact formula, as follows: I = P A T, where. Ecologists also use systems analysis to better understand the organization and working of natural ecosystems, regardless of any direct relationship to the harvesting of natural resources. The attitudes of people and their societies toward other species, natural ecosystems, and resources have enormous implications for environmental quality. Considered together, these damages represent changes in the character of the biosphere that are as cataclysmic as major geological events, such as glaciation. This ecosystem approach does not view the system as a random grouping of individuals, populations, species, communities, and environments. 2013. Ecological interpretations of the natural world consider the web-like connections among the many components of ecosystems in a holistic manner. Botzler. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). /AIS false 6 The IPAT Equation Environmental science & studies examines the scientific, social, and cultural aspects of environmental issues. For example, we might be wrong about the availability of key resources needed to sustain future generations of humans. "PA T T * )W {v `((* }( Environmentalists take a strong public stance on a particular environmental issue, in terms of the need to address the problem. However, to be renewable, the ability of the resource to regenerate cannot be compromised by excessive harvesting or inappropriate management practices. For example, an agroecosystem includes elements of biosystems, ecosystems, and socio-cultural systems. /ca 1.0 This was because the capability of humans for exploiting their environment was not much different from that of other similarly abundant, large animals. The consumption of resources is considered to be good because it enables economies to grow. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. techniques for working raw metals into tools, which were much better than those made of wood, stone, or bone. /SA true Decisions influencing environmental quality are influenced by two types of considerations: knowledge and ethics. Such issues are always controversial, and there are people who believe that some environmental problems even climate change and the effects of pesticides are not important. Webunderstand the various environmental problems such as pollution, degradation, depletion of resources; explain the meaning of sustainable development; tell the ways to Our values are greatly influenced by cultural attitudes. For environmental science, the most relevant of the disciplinary subjects are atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, computer science, ecology, geography, geology, mathematics, medical science, oceanography, physics, and statistics. The most benign (or least stressful) natural environments are characterized by conditions in which factors such as moisture, nutrients, and temperature are not unduly constraining, while disturbances associated with disease, wildfire, windstorm, or other cataclysms are rare. Livingston, J.A. A world view is a comprehensive philosophy of human life and the universe, and of the relationship between people and the natural world. In contrast, less-developed or low-income countries have much less economic infrastructure and low per-capita earnings. The natural /Length 73911 Beginning in the mid-1970s, Suzuki became engaged in media ventures designed to popularize knowledge about scientific issues important to society, most notably through the Quirks and Quarks (radio) and Nature of Things (television) series of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Earthbound: New Introductory Essays in Environmental Ethics. Environmental sustainability Themes for analyzing environmental issues and topics. WebIntroduction The recent interest in global warming and sustainable development has become a global talk. Canadian Focus 1.1. Anthropogenic activities are also causing enormous damage to natural ecosystems, including to habitats needed to support most other species. The biocentric world view focuses on living entities and considers all species (and individuals) as having intrinsic value. David Suzuki is perhaps the most famous environmentalist in Canada, because he has so effectively influenced the attitudes of people through books, television, and other media. Brooks Cole, Pacific Grove, CA. Calculations based on this simple PAT formula show that affluent, technological societies have a much larger per-capita environmental impact than do poorer ones. For this position the range is $78,681 $118,022 or $89,026 $133,539 annually based on our anticipated hiring locations as noted in the above job details. Modern consumerism results in huge demands for material and energy resources to build and run homes and to manufacture and operate machines and other goods. This is not to say that everyone agrees with his interpretation of environmental issues. Chemistry is another field that studies of how nutrients move within the natural systems of the Earth, and how contaminants impact humans and ecosystems. Clearly, ethics of all kinds depend upon the values that people believe are important. M4Xkz2QJgs]Rd\!rU:}NSeYx}&. It includes the forums that we use to discuss environmental issues, the nature and role of environmental laws and regulations, the types of organizations and institutions that guide our actions, and the role of the market. y}e%zi_>?Ca{gWOR^,WPwcpKJJs,~?6b_YIxWPwcpzK|{
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R^,'>[^=2ye%| %.l 8xme%| %{g(o7Xr}x %l 8cn('o7X2| % 1994. Living in the Environment. This subject area deals with anthropogenic pollution and disturbances and their effects on people, their economies, other species, and natural ecosystems. Nevertheless, as with all ecosystems, these stable types are influenced by pervasive changes in climate and by other long-term dynamics, such as evolution. Sources of data: population data are for 2015 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2015); energy use (all commercial fuels) for 2013 (BP, 2013); GDP for 2013 (CIA, 2014). Elements of the culture of the First Nations of coastal British Columbia are based on values associated with old-growth forest. This will be the best way of dealing with the so-called environmental crisis, a modern phenomenon that is associated with rapid population growth, resource depletion, and environmental damage. Or electric cars as a potential solution to these problems. Define WebSustainable development objectives have been widely defined along three dimensions: economic, environmental and social or ecology, economy and equity. P Yet, Key Sustainability Competences and Entrepreneurial Competences entail important qualities of future citizens and workers, and teacher students should become prepared to Succession occurs in response to changes associated with natural disturbances such as a wildfire, windstorm, or insect or disease epidemic. It incorporates Sustainability science focuses on the dynamic interactions between nature and society. In an environmental context, this is sometimes referred to as affluenza. 1.4 The Process of Science Pessimism is a self-fulfilling prophesy. WebEnvironmental science is the interdisciplinary study of the interaction of living and non-living parts of the environment, with special focus on the impact of humans on the environment. *( rP T(Tb_hB{(8TYdU=20*cB! WebESA has established multiple pay ranges tailored to the economic factors in the geographies in which ESA staff reside. Often we will approach these issues from a particular disciplinary perspective such as chemistry or ecology but we want to also suggest to you a set of cross-cutting themes for analyzing environmental issues. >> But if a sustainable human economy is not attained, then the non-sustainable one will run short of resources and could collapse. WebEnvironmental science is also obviously important if your primary concern is the non-human world. In this sense, the present human economy is clearly non-sustainable. These are worthwhile and necessary actions that represent real progress towards an ecologically sustainable future. Values and ethics, in turn, support larger systems known as world views. Environmental Ethics: Divergence and Convergence. U@ * U ( Web1 INTRODUCTION. Rees. Examples include Afghanistan, Bolivia, Myanmar, and Zimbabwe. /OP true Environmental concerns List the key disciplinary fields of knowledge that each includes. Humans are not the only species that cope with ecological constraints in clever ways. WebVision and Environmental Sustainability Plan) is provided. Suzuki has built a worldwide following of a broad constituency of people concerned about environmental damage and social equity. Until now, the United Nations has used extremely simple indicators, such as energy use and gross domestic product, but they now want to use more realistic data. By providing guidance on how to preserve the proper functioning of natural In an ecologically sustainable economy, natural goods and services should be utilized only in ways that do not compromise their future availability and do not endanger the survival of species or natural ecosystems. 1992. Book: Introduction to Environmental Science (Zehnder et al. Economic development is quite different from economic growth. It also includes consideration for non-living entities, such as rocks, soil, and water. From the Karez and underground tombs in BC to the London metro in 1863, from the " @(*HJn(GU}qb6%*#R{#@#{ns\5L5*qXS&+}60MgHFe~
y)y0@xyy=SS1DV||E 2M @ P @ P @ P @ P @ P P @ ( @ P @ P @ P @ Yw @ P PE ( At the same time, however, most leaders of society have publicly affirmed their support of sustainable development. New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, BC. Websustainability (WFEO, 2015). Small Is Beautiful. To see a remarkable example of a musical system with emergent properties, have a look at the video, Stringfever Bolero athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5MLNMgpywk. #%&()*4589:CDEFGHIJRSUWXYZbcdefghijrsuvwxyz c !451AS$QR"%#2Baqs While they can overlap, its also helpful to distinguish between studying environmental issues, and advocating for change. This ecosystem represents a distinct element of our natural heritage. Image 1.4. Yet, Key Sustainability Competences and Entrepreneurial Competences entail important qualities of future citizens and workers, and teacher students should become prepared to This is because most actions undertaken by governments and businesses have supported economic growth, rather than sustainable development. $dR4
Dbdza#@miQL*ci[PeUv\]r6'. Sustainable development is a lofty and necessary goal for society to pursue. WebConnector of dots in industrial ecology. Non-renewable resources include metals and fossil fuels such as petroleum and coal. Similarly, the development and productivity of an animal (including any human) are constrained by the environmental conditions under which it lives. << On one hand, knowledge provides guidance about the consequences of different choices, including damage that might be caused and actions that could be taken to avoid that effect. : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.
b__1]()", "Book:_Introduction_to_Permaculture_(Millison)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "Book:_Soil_and_Water_Conservation_-_An_Annotated_Bibliography_(Moorberg)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "Book:_Sustainability_-_A_Comprehensive_Foundation_(Cabezas)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "Book:_To_Catch_the_Rain_(Grafman)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "Energy_Conservation_for_Environmental_Protection_(Pisupati)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()", "Introduction_to_Climate_Science_(Schmittner_2021)" : "property get [Map MindTouch.Deki.Logic.ExtensionProcessorQueryProvider+<>c__DisplayClass228_0.b__1]()" }, 1: Introduction to Environmental Sciences, [ "article:topic-guide", "license:ccbyncsa", "showtoc:no", "authorname:czehnder", "source-chem-140198", "program:galileo", "licenseversion:40", "source@https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1003&context=biology-textbooks" ], https://eng.libretexts.org/@app/auth/3/login?returnto=https%3A%2F%2Feng.libretexts.org%2FBookshelves%2FEnvironmental_Engineering_(Sustainability_and_Conservation)%2FBook%253A_Introduction_to_Environmental_Science_(Zehnder_et_al. Callicott, J.B. 1988. /Name /X /op false Almost all national economies have been growing rapidly in recent times. Web1) Introduction to Sustainable Development (SD) and Industrial Ecology (IE); 2) Industrial Symbiosis (IS) and Design for the Environment and Sustainability (DfES) 1) Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); 2) SR Opportunities and CSR Audits Learning Outcome Examine how environmental pollution occurs in an industrial setting. Systems have collective properties, which are based on the summation of their parts. The Historical Roots of Our Ecologic Crisis. 1.1.1 The Structure of the Atom Environmental Issues 1.1. Hargrove, E.C. /SA true >> In fact, natural environmental and ecological changes have caused the extinction of almost all of the species that have ever lived on Earth since life began about 3.5 billion years ago. xyy=SS1DV||E 2M( @ P @ P @ P @ P @ P tA Parts of this chapter have been modified from Open Stax textbooks: 1.1 The Chemical and Biological Foundations of Life Websustainable development..696 12.1.3 Measurement of progress towards sustainable environmental content..700 12.2.2 Lower emissions pathways are not necessarily 12.1 Introduction The concept of sustainable development had its roots in the idea of a sustainable society (Brown, 1981) and in the CIA, Langley, VA.https://web.archive.org/web/20140701051751/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2001rank.html. qF]nX5vl{w=+/tZ$j_lkv>yg:'sLrs{U|$q\ViFUrv9S#
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XR^.wPwcp|KNJs,~?7/X=40b=+V&>X5bo_YIxzi^?Ca{gWM)/M;(};l 8 Can fossil fuels be integrated into a sustainable economy, given that they are non-renewable resources? The notion of sustainability can be further extended to that of ecologically sustainable development. Because the attitudes of people vary considerably, proposals to exploit natural resources as economic commodities often give rise to intense controversy. These dimensions are interconnected, and a balanced approach is necessary to achieve sustainable development goals. Emergent properties are extremely difficult to predict and often emerge as surprises, for example, occurring when ecosystems are stressed by some human influence. Intact old-growth forest also provides other valuable services, such as flows of clean streamwater and assistance in the regulation of atmospheric concentrations of vital gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen. Animals require suitable foods of plant or animal biomass (organic matter), along with habitat requirements that differ for each species. Along with each of these is a set of recommendations for how the City could approach each initiative to more closely align The frontier world view asserts that humans have a right to exploit nature by consuming natural resources in boundless quantities. y}e%| %{?a^;/X=40b=1\l)/>*a{n(y| %{?a^qC7X=40^=+n(y>Xxm cn')/M+(};l 8<5w_YIxwP>1:oYIxzi_>?Cbwcpye%i_>?Ca{g]1zK|^'y | %{g]1|KNJsM)/M;(}N,~?7/X=40b=+V&>X&4m}a=40b=2y}e'}x %{?aM9/M;(};l 8xj0b=1y}e%i>?Ca{gbly}e%S|qo/XU>/{?aN)/)|^=2KNJs~?x>+xy}e%i>?Ca{g[f'y>'{?a^1?7X_M+(};l 8 Additionally, it is important to involve and educate communities about sustainability and the importance of protecting the environment. A third group is comprised of rapidly developing or middle-income countries, such as Brazil, Chile, China, India, Malaysia, Russia, and Thailand. This growth is typically achieved by increasing the consumption of natural resources, particularly non-renewable ones such as fossil fuels and metals. David Suzuki A Canadian Environmentalist Ecological values are somewhat broader utilitarian valuesthey are based on the needs of humans, but also on those of other species and natural ecosystems. At one time, old-growth forest was widespread on Vancouver Island, but it is now endangered both there and almost everywhere else in Canada. Human beings have a long history of developing underground space. But we will also examine topics in the social sciences and humanities because they are also vital to understanding and resolving environmental issues. Extraordinary damages have been legitimized by attitudes based on a belief in the inalienable right of humans to harvest whatever they desire from nature, without consideration of pollution, threats to species, or the availability of resources for future generations. All ecosystems are dynamic, in the sense that they change profoundly, and quite naturally, over time. All disciplines are relevant to the identification and resolution of environmental issues. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. The subject matter of environmental engages forms of understanding that are relevant to identifying, understanding, and resolving environmental problems. Figure 1.3. stream Environmental Science by Dalhousie University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The environmental values described above underlie this system of ethics. Edx offers both individual courses and advanced programs designed to help you learn about environmental biology, soil science, global warming, climate engineering and much by Kalina Manoylov, https://libguides.gcsu.edu/ENSC1000-2nd-ed, Introduction to Environmental Science, 2017 edition, Describe, at an introductory level, the basic chemical and biological foundations of life on Earth, Define environment, ecosystems, and environmental sciences, Give examples of the interdisciplinary nature of environmental science, Define sustainability and sustainable development, Explain the complex relationship between natural and human systems, pertaining to environmental impact, the precautionary principle, and environmental justifications, Understand scientific approach and begin to apply the scientific method. Brown, L.R. And pollution doesnt know about the boundary between countries or provinces. v T u T @ V U6( . They also engage conflicts between direct human interests and those of other species and the natural world. 1991. This page titled 1: Introduction to Environmental Sciences is shared under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Caralyn Zehnder, Kalina Manoylov, Samuel Mutiti, Christine Mutiti, Allison VandeVoort, & Donna Bennett (GALILEO Open Learning Materials) via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform; a detailed edit history is available upon request.