effects of socioeconomic status on academic performance of students
One frequently omitted variable is the schools percentage of ethnic minority students (Mickelson et al., Citation2013); e.g. The significant association between school SES and schools percentage of ethnic minority students, and the association between school SES and various school processes (i.e. The rest of this chapter focuses on differences between the various education systems and changes in educational inequality over time. Accumulated empirical evidence shows that low SES students tend to perform worse academically than their peers from more advantageous backgrounds globally including Australia. for this article. Poverty among British children: chronic or transitory? Permission will be required if your reuse is not covered by the terms of the License. This collaborative process excluded 436 studies. In this cross-sectional study, we used hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis to explore how the independent variables predicted academic achievement in blocks based on data from 6890 students attending 186 schools. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Q
tp(uyIn,rH l}F9nV ^d!Q(s/RJ. The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened the effects of socioeconomic status (SES) and wellbeing (WB) on students' academic achievement, particularly in developing countries; thus, it becomes necessary to understand the nature of these concurrent relationships. First, high-SES schools may be led by more effective school leaders; school leadership refers to the exercise of influence on organizational members and diverse stakeholders toward the identification and achievement of the organizations vision and goals (Leithwood, Citation2021, p. 2). Note. However, results from other meta-analyses examining individual and aggregated SES effects report mixed results. The five members of the project team searched for studies (journal articles, doctoral dissertations, conference proceedings, reports) examining associations between school SES and (a) student outcomes (achievement, attainment) and/or (b) school processes mediating school SES student outcome relationships in K-12 schools dated 20002020 using six computer databases (Academic Search Complete, British Education Index, ERIC, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, PsychArticles, PsychINFO). To learn about our use of cookies and how you can manage your cookie settings, please see our Cookie Policy. Academic performance prediction is an indispensable task for policymakers. school SES) and performance level of students in a school does not necessarily mean that student SES is strongly associated with student achievement (Marks, Citation2015; Robinson, Citation1950; Sirin, Citation2005; Snijders & Bosker, Citation2012; van Ewijk & Sleegers, Citation2010). Socioeconomic status explained 16.6% and attitude towards science explained 9.8% of the change in the academic achievement in the United Kingdom sample while these values were 21.9% and 14.4% for . Lastly, Sirins (Citation2005) meta-analysis showed that school SES effects computed from school SES data obtained from a variety of sources (students, parents, school administrators, state education departments, records on percentage of students who are eligible for free/reduced-price lunch/schooling, or combination of these indicators) may differ. Additionally, it only includes studies written in English. The data provides important information about university students' academic achievement and can be used to further understand the relationship between the parent's socioeconomic status and student's academic achievement. Salanga, Maria Guadalupe C. Academic performance of students is very much influenced by numerous factors like Socio-economic Status of the parents, residential locality of the students, gender, age, school and class room environment and many more. Many personal and family characteristics along with the surrounding Effect sizes from a study that included samples from different countries were separately coded. To see the relationship between the socioeconomic status of the parents and the academic performance of their children's. 2. The results show that the students' socioeconomic variables, such as caste, residence, and father occupation, impact their academic performance in the 6th class but cease to do so after five years of their residential study. However, there were only two studies that provided effect sizes for students with a specific level of prior ability (i.e. The relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and academic achievement can both reflect the degree to which students' academic achievement is affected by SES and reveal detailed information about educational equity in a country/economy. Put together, these contributions from the present study provide evidence of a large school SES effect similar to that first documented in the Coleman Report. 3099067 The percentage of students qualifying for free/reduced-price lunch/schooling is commonly used to measure school SES in US and to a smaller extent, UK studies. The present study clarifies if school SES effect sizes reported in studies vary with types and the number of school SES indicators used (i.e. Search terms in abstracts included combinations of relevant keywords (using Boolean operators OR and AND) pertaining to. They then discussed whether these studies were eligible to be included based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria; differences in opinions were consensually resolved. It is commonly measured using parental educational attainment, family income, parental occupational status, and home resources. Table 1. To address this knowledge gap, the present study will compare effect sizes for associations between school SES and different school processes. al (2016), the study has found a. 2.1 Student Role Performance Student Role Performance (SRP) is how well an individual fulfills the role of a student in an educational institution. Future meta-analyses can include earlier studies and studies published in other languages and compare results with those reported in this study. Are these effects more (or less) pronounced in high-SES, mid-SES, or low-SES districts? A meta-analysis on the relationship between school characteristics and student outcomes in science and maths evidence from large-scale studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/03057267.2020.1735758, Parent involvement and science achievement: A cross-classified multilevel latent growth curve analysis, https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.2013.807488, Is socioeconomic status less predictive of achievement in East Asian countries? The present study used a national representative sample of 10,784 grade 7 to 9 students (53.2% boys and 46.8% girls) in mainland China to examine the links between school SES and . period in the Philippines. Second, it clarifies the conceptual meaning of school SES, namely that school SES is less associated with school processes than it is with schools percentage of ethnic minority students or students prior ability. The third set of contextual variables pertains to levels of inequality in different countries/regions. In theoretical accounts of second language acquisition, socioeconomic status (SES) has a great impact on the second language (L2) learning outcomes, where their relationship is suggested to be indirect (Ellis, 1994; Gardner, 1985, 2007). Restore content access for purchases made as guest, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, 48 hours access to article PDF & online version. It is measured by several factors, including income, occupation, and education, and it can have either a positive or negative impact on a person's life. parental involvement as a public good). and Publication of the study is made possible by support from the 2022 HKU Research Output Prize. Moreover, certain measures can be identified that might mitigate these negative effects. Examples of excluded studies are presented in Supplementary Material 2. That is, students with higher parental SES demonstrate increased academic performance when compared to those with lower parental SES. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools. Other concerns with school SES research include school-level SES measures suffering from poor reliability (Marks, Citation2015) and model misspecification arising from omitted student variables (e.g. Relatedly, Holzberger and colleagues (Citation2020) meta-analysis showed that processes such as school and classroom climate (.08r.13) were more strongly associated with students science and mathematics outcomes than processes such as material and personnel resources (.03r.08), thereby suggesting that students in higher-SES schools benefit from a positive school climate (made possible by quality school leadership and teachers). Therefore, the search returned a total of 39,522 potential studies. Exposure to classroom poverty and test score achievement: Contextual effects or selection? The association between school SES and students prior ability means that school SES effect sizes may be smaller if students prior ability is controlled. Socio-economic Status of student's family or parents have great impact upon academic success (Rofikul M., et al., 2017). For example, Sirins (Citation2005) meta-analysis found that SES had larger effect sizes for students mathematics (vis-a-vis verbal, science, or general) achievement. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. It should be noted that compared to those for most school processes, the findings for private and public parental involvement were based on a smaller set of effect sizes and hence they should be interpreted with caution. random sampling at the population level) and report the extent to which data are missing on key variables. Nine meta-analyses of relationships between school SES and (a) schools percentage of ethnic minority students; (b) students prior ability; and (c) different school processes (Table 4). Socioeconomic status (SES) encompasses not just income but also educational attainment, occupational prestige, and subjective perceptions of social status and social class. The magnitude of these effects was compared with that computed from another 85 effects (comprising 81 rs and 4 means/standard deviations (comparing high-SES with low-SES students) pertaining to the association between student-level SES and learning outcomes. These different approaches result in biased effect sizes. In addition to contextual variables, the present study examines how four methodological variables (number of school SES indicators, measurement level of student outcome data, type of studies, sources of school SES data) may moderate school SES effects for the following reasons. These findings could be useful for other countries. The mean effect sizes for most subjects were large (languages, r=.58, k=89; mathematics, r=.58, k=97; science, r=.55, k=18; combination of subjects, r=.62, k=30). In a related study, Holzberger and colleagues (Citation2020) meta-analysis found that, compared to schools climate and material and personnel resources, processes such as schools academic press, classroom climate, instructional practices, and provision of out-of-school student activities had larger effect sizes for secondary school students mathematics and science learning. k=No of independent effect sizes. larger effect sizes for achievement (vis--vis attainment) outcomes). more effective school leadership, climate, teacher capacity) provide an opportunity for low-SES schools to prioritise their limited resources to improve these processes and become more competitive in the educational marketplace. specific parental behaviours to enhance child development) pertaining to the family and school environments (Epstein, Citation2010; Tan, Citation2018, Citation2020). Socioeconomic status (SES), an index of one's overall social status or prestige in society, is one of the most widely studied constructs in the social sciences. Specifically, a positive association between school SES and mean performance level does not mean that student SES is associated with student achievement. On the other hand, school SES research has been criticised on theoretical and methodological grounds (Armor et al., Citation2018; Zhou & Ma, Citation2021). Content may require purchase if you do not have access. First, Sirins (Citation2005) meta-analysis showed that SES effects varied among students from different grade levels, with larger effect sizes for students from higher grade levels as compared to kindergarteners. Based on PISA 2018 data, this study investigated the effects of SES and its components on student academic achievement at both the student and school levels in a population of 15-year-old students from Beijing-Shanghai-Jiangsu-Zhejiang (China). First, it covers studies dated 2000-2020, so results reported are more relevant for schools and student learning during this time period. hasContentIssue true, The Author(s) 2021. Private aspects of parents involvement are exemplified by parental home involvement, trust in schools, and networking to obtain resources for their children (Ahart, Citation2014; Park et al., Citation2017). Kim and colleagues (Citation2019) meta-analysis of student SES effects in developing countries reported larger effect sizes for the academic achievement of secondary versus elementary school students but no significant effect size differences in attainment outcomes for these two groups of students. Subjective well-being: The science of happiness and a proposal for a national index. These results are largely consistent with those reported by van Ewijk and Sleegers (Citation2010) indicating that student peer SES effect sizes did not vary across different subjects. For more information please visit our Permissions help page. These schools may have high levels of expectations and collective responsibility for academic expectations (Mitchell et al., Citation2016); positive relationships among school leaders, teachers, parents, and students (Forsyth et al., Citation2006; Goddard et al., Citation2009); and safe and conducive learning environments (Muijs et al., Citation2014). Additionally, Holzberger and colleagues (Citation2020) meta-analysis compared effect sizes of school processes for students mathematics and science learning outcomes, but it is unclear if these processes are related to school SES. Studies which may be relevant from an examination of their title and abstract are added to the pool of potential studies derived from the computer searches. parental education, family income, home possessions, percentage of students on free/reduced-price lunch or schooling (FRL), Title 1/non-Title 1 school classification, combination of indicators). An examination of socioeconomic status and student achievement using PISA 2003, https://doi.org/10.1177/016146811011200401, Estimating the difference between published and unpublished effect sizes: A meta-review, Theres still no free lunch: Poverty as a composite of SES predicts school-level reading comprehension, The role of class-level composition and school contextual characteristics for school-aged childres life satisfaction: A three-level multilevel analysis, https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2019.1573743, https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-soc-071913-043152, Educational effectiveness research (EER): A state-of-the-art review, https://doi.org/10.1080/09243453.2014.885450, Ecological correlations and the behavior of individuals, Family/school inequality and African-American/Hispanic achievement, Institutional and student factors and their influence on advanced mathematics achievement, https://doi.org/10.1080/00220670209596601, Learner-centred pedagogy: Towards a post-2015 agenda for teaching and learning, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijedudev.2014.10.011. Socio-economic status is a definite background variable that represents a feature of the social structure in society (Oakes & Rossi, 2003). The academic performance and learning outcomes also determine the career opportunities available to the students in the future. This study investigates the effects of socioeconomic status on racial achievement gaps. Drawing on the research findings, this study suggested that the government should (1) further promote education equity with a primary focus on disadvantaged student groups; (2) improve the enrolment policy and increase the diversity of student backgrounds; (3) promote teacher professional development and continuously improve school effectiveness. Table 4. Second, previous studies suggest that school SES effects may vary with levels of measurement (school, student) of school SES and student outcome variables (Gorard, Citation2006). Results showed the following: (1) B-S-J-Z (China) students academic achievement was positively related to their family SES and school SES. Both indices ranged from 0 to 1, with smaller values indicating societies that are more equal. In the US, students from families with income not exceeding 130% of the poverty level qualify for free meals while those from families with income between 130% and 185% of the poverty level qualify for reduced-price meals (Sirin, Citation2005). Researchers measuring school SES using the average SES level of students within a school reduce measurement errors associated with measures of individual student SES, thereby producing more reliable estimates of school SES. Sirin, Citation2005), so it is important to ascertain if effect sizes vary among different countries/regions. Being the first meta-analysis to focus on school SES, it examines 480 effect sizes from 97 studies to provide insights on associations between school SES and (a) student learning outcomes; (b) schools percentage of ethnic minority students and students prior ability; and (c) school processes in K-12 schools. school leadership, school climate, teacher capacity) suggests that ethnic minority students may be attending less effective schools (indicative of school segregation) measured in terms of the quality of school leadership, school climate, and teacher capacity (King, Citation2013). On the one hand, school SES researchers recognise the importance of school SES and therefore, identify processes underpinning the school SES effect (Akay & Karadag, Citation2019; Li, Citation2018; Mitchell et al., Citation2016; Park et al., Citation2017; Xuan et al., Citation2019; Zhu et al., Citation2019). The most prevalent argument is that the socio-economic status of learners affects the quality of their academic performance. The chapter also illustrates how some school systems achieve excellence and weaken the association between students' socio-economic status and performance in PISA. To eliminate the effects of . The study is supported by The University of Hong Kong (HKU) Faculty Research Fund. However, most scholars focus on specific processes instead of examining a comprehensive gamut of processes, thereby precluding the identification of more important influences. The findings that there were some processes that characterised high-SES schools (i.e. Students SES refers to their relative access to valued economic, cultural, and social resources that contribute to valued life outcomes. Hostname: page-component-7dc689bd49-bfm8c Therefore, there is no evidence of publication bias in the data. The study also did not examine associations between school SES and processes per se; instead, it computed effect sizes on associations between school processes (including school SES) and student learning outcomes. These different findings indicate that school and student SES are different constructs and that school SES effects may be explained by non-student SES factors (e.g. A comparison of effects between school SES and processes in the present study shows that school climate had the largest effect size compared to those for school leadership and teacher capacity. Results (Table 2) show that the mean effect size for the random effects model was r=.58. Moderator analysis also indicates that standard errors were not a significant moderator for school SES effects (=0.34, p=.60, (level 2)=0.05, (level 3)=0.24), F (1, 239)=0.27, p=.60). On average, a student who attends a school in which the average socioeconomic status is high enjoys better educational outcomes compared to a student attending a school with a lower average. Keep me logged in. The only published meta-analysis focusing on aggregated SES effects (including but not limited to school SES) by van Ewijk and Sleegers (Citation2010) did not find significant differences in school SES effect sizes for student achievement in languages and mathematics. Abstract: Socioeconomic status (SES), which generally involves factors such as parental educational background, occupation and income level, is a strong predictor of student achievement. Published by Cambridge University Press. People also read lists articles that other readers of this article have read. "Besides other factors, socio-economic status is one of the most researched and debated factor among educational professionals that contribute towards the academic performance of students. Publications Office of the European Union, A meta-analysis of the effect of parental involvement on students academic achievement, Parents personality traits and childrens subjective well-being: A chain mediating model, Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics, Doing the right thing: Measuring wellbeing for public policy. However, the study reported a substantially larger effect size for school SES (r=0.30) when compared to those for school processes (0.03r.18), so there is a need to identify other processes that are more highly correlated with school SES to better understand compositional effects. This search returned 39,469 potential studies. functional resources). The present study has important implications for education policies related to school segregation (Reardon & Owens, Citation2014) and voucher schools (Epple et al., Citation2017). The present study shows that school SES was less strongly associated with school processes than with schools percentage of ethnic minority students or students prior ability. Studies were included if they met all six inclusion criteria. Socioeconomic status is the position of an individual or group on the socioeconomic scale, which is determined by a combination of social and economic factors such as income, amount and kind of education, type and prestige of occupation, place of residence, andin some societies or parts of societyethnic origin or . Studies have generally found a positive association between school SES and students learning outcomes (Sirin, Citation2005; van Ewijk & Sleegers, Citation2010; Willms, Citation2010). A literature review indicates that there are no meta-analyses examining school SES effects specifically. SPSS for Windows step by step: A simple guide and reference, 17.0 update. Effective school leadership strategies need to be implemented via teachers to influence student learning (Hendriks & Scheerens, Citation2013). The funnel plot of standard errors by effect sizes shows that effect sizes from individual meta-analyses were distributed on both sides of the mean effect size and that there were effect sizes corresponding to studies with different standard errors (Figure 2). More specifically, in studies with more than one effect size, different effect sizes were separately coded. SRP involves factors such as, sex of the student, students' race/ethnicity, school effort, extracurricular activities, deviant behavior, and student disabilities. The interaction of logical reasoning ability and socio-economic status on achievement in genetics among secondary school students in Nigeria. The finding from the study that there were more ethnic minority students in low-SES schools means that economic and racial segregation may coexist in schools. After excluding another 13 studies without full text and 71 duplicate studies, the first and two other project team members independently reviewed the full text of the remaining 533 studies. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. Spitzer, M., and Musslick, S. (2021). varies, even amongst students of similar socio-economic status, depending on the country/economy in which the students are enrolled in school. The impact of family socio-economic status (SES) on students' academic performance has been extensively explored in the literature around the world. Results showed that apart from the comparison of school SES effect size between early childhood education-upper secondary and early childhood education (reference group), the regression coefficients for other variables were all very small (Table 3). There are three possible reasons for this finding. The large effect sizes associated with student achievement in different subject areas (except social sciences) underscore school processes influencing teaching-and-learning in high-SES schools, thereby affirming the need to unravel these processes. The two main purposes of the current meta-analysis were (a) to determine the relation between socioeconomic status (SES) of students and academic performance (AP) (b) and evaluate the effect of several potential moderating factors in this relation. Were only two studies that provided effect sizes for achievement ( vis -- vis attainment ) outcomes ) districts... To address this knowledge gap, the Author ( s effects of socioeconomic status on academic performance of students 2021 ) and the... Set of contextual variables pertains to levels of inequality in different countries/regions,! For policymakers they met all six inclusion criteria and compare results with those reported in this study investigates effects. 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