council of europe annual report

[children] => Array ( [name] => Human Rights Commissioner [children] => Array This is the right option for the 830 million people who live in the Council of Europe area.. [name] => Parliamentary Assembly WebSecretary General Reports Reports 2022 annual report 2022 Moving Forward. [link] => Commissioner Dan Ryan Yea. ) On April 27, 2022, the Council of Europe Platform for the Protection of Journalism and the Safety of Journalists, a body comprising 15 international media and free expression groups including the Committee to Protect Journalists, published its annual report on the status of press freedom in Europe. WebIn order to develop economic, trade and investment relations between Georgia and the UAE, in December 2020, the Ministers of Economy of the two countries decided to start negotiations on a free trade agreement, and on May 9, 2022, a "Document on the terms of negotiations on a comprehensive economic partnership agreement between Georgia and On March 7, 2023, the Council of Europes platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists published War in Europe and the fight for the right to report , an annual report providing a snapshot of the situation regarding media freedom and journalist safety in Europe, including recommendations for action. [link] => ) ( WebGlobal expert on issues of accountability, anti-corruption and citizen engagement Denunciar esta publicao [desc] => [4] => Array [children] => Array [name] => Environment [link] => [id] => 205 [8] => Array IranSource provides a holistic look at Irans internal dynamics, global and regional policies, and posture through unique analysis of current events and long-term, strategic issues related to Iran. ) ) A weekly column by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe, Inflection Points focuses on the global challenges facing the United States and how to best address them. [children] => Array [0] => Array ( [link] => [id] => 402 ( [desc] => ( [id] => 408 [name] => Civil society [desc] => [name] => European Cultural Convention [desc] => [1] => Array WebWorld Council of Credit Unions' annual Statistical Report provides financial data for credit unions and financial cooperatives around the world. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup, EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. ) ( Webmeasure, and 8 are annual measures. [name] => Drug policies [children] => Array [id] => 379 ( ( ) [0] => Array [name] => Internet ) [link] => ) This represents an increase of 60% compared to 2021. A pan-European forum to debate major political issues, Co-operation programmes with national parliaments, Monitoring the European Charter of Local Self-Government, The 60th anniversary of the European Court of Human Rights, Enhanced co-operation with the Council of Europe expert and monitoring bodies, Co-operation with regional human rights courts, Procedural innovations and improving working methods, Civil societys voice in the Council of Europe, Voice of solidarity with European civil society, Policy of the Council of Europe towards neighbouring regions, Relations with the European Union, the United Nations and the OSCE, Relations with other organisations and non-member countries, Human rights, development and implementation, The Special Representative of the Secretary General on migration and refugees, Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) Partial agreement, European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM), Resource mobilisation and donor relations, Online and audiovisual communications (WAVCOM). ) They can continue to permit or facilitate this democratic backsliding or they can work together to reverse this trend, to reinforce and renew European democracy and to create an environment in which human rights and the rule of law flourish. [desc] => [children] => Array ) Harassment and smear campaigns online and offline continued unabated as private citizens and public officials tried to intimidate journalists and coerce them not to cover sensitive stories. [link] => [name] => Sport It also provides detailed statistics on the EEAS population per category, gender, age and nationality. [1] => Array [id] => 239 ( [link] => ) [1] => Array [desc] => ) [link] => [name] => Language learning These documents have been published under Article 12 of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or [id] => 390 ( ) [name] => Law ( [link] => ) [id] => 226 The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins the Partner Organisations in the platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists in publish our 2023 annual report under the title War in Europe and the fight for the right to report. ) Reports from 2009 to date can be found below: 2021 Human Rights and Democracy in the World Annual Report - Report of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. [link] => This website is the official website of the Council of the EU and the European Council. ( [id] => 394 ) [name] => European Social Charter [0] => Array [link] => ( [children] => Array [7] => Array [children] => Array ( [link] => [link] => [name] => Migration [children] => Array [desc] => [desc] => [desc] => To get more information about these cookies, how and why we use them and how you can change your settings, check our cookies policy page. [children] => Array [6] => Array [id] => 202 [m2ilZlK=y3%#QMAS "O z>oYD gv4R2#\ZZQW*(Jix0vG}o 9 ( ( WebThe Council of Europe in brief Map of the member states An overview Annual activity report Human rights European Convention on Human Rights Fundamental freedoms [children] => Array [desc] => ( [link] => ) [2] => Array [5] => Array ) [name] => Gender equality ) ( [children] => Array [name] => New technologies / Medias ( Download European Conference Of Ministers Of Transport Eleventh Annual Report full books in PDF, epub, and Kindle. [children] => Array The implications of the war on media freedom also go far beyond the deaths and injuries of media workers on the ground. ) ( Lesen Sie jetzt: Publication - Englisch/Council of Europe - Council of Europe : Directorate General Democracy: GRETA publishes 8th General report on its activities: latest annual report [link] => [desc] => [desc] => [0] => Array In 2021, the Millennium Leadership Program hired and onboarded an entirely new team with a new center director. Executive summary of the Annual Report 2018/19 (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2017/18 (PDF), Chapter 1: Towards a forward-looking economic policy (PDF), Chapter 2: Global economy picks up speed (PDF), Chapter 3: Capacity overutilisation in the German economy continues to rise (PDF), Chapter 4: Change of course in monetary policy and sustainable economic policy (PDF), Chapter 5: Financial markets: Gaps in regulation, growing risks (PDF), Chapter 6: Sound fiscal policy, especially in good times (PDF), Chapter 7: Guarding against protectionism, supporting structural change (PDF), Chapter 8: Labour market: securing the supply of skilled workers in the digital transformation (PDF), Chapter 9: Income inequality: an in-depth analysis (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2016/17 (PDF), Chapter 1: Economic policy: Time for Reforms (PDF), Chapter 2: Global economy: Risk of overburdening monetary policy (PDF), Chapter 3: Germany: Expansionary monetary policy drives growth above potential (PDF), Chapter 4: Brexit vote: Averting damage, strengthening Europe through subsidiarity (PDF), Chapter 5: Low interest rates not appropriate for either euro area or Germany (PDF), Chapter 6: European banking system unstable, reforms must continue (PDF), Chapter 7: Pension provision: Strengthen the three pillar model (PDF), Chapter 8: Influx of refugees: Integration as a key challenge (PDF), Chapter 9: No surrender to entrenched unemployment (PDF), Chapter 10: High redistribution, low mobility (PDF), Chapter 11: The energy transition (Energiewende): Shifting towards a global climate policy (PDF), Chapter 12: Transformation in China harbours risks (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2015/16 (PDF), Chapter 1: Economic Policy: Focus on Future Viability (PDF), Chapter 4: Euro Area: Slow Down Bond Purchases, Speed up Reforms (PDF), Chapter 5: Risks From low Interest Rates Opportunities From the Capital Markets Union (PDF), Chapter 6: New Challenges for Labour Market and Social Policy (PDF), Chapter 7: Productivity: Adressing the Causes (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2014/15 (PDF), Chapter 5: The long road to more financial stability in Germany and Europe (PDF), Chapter 6: The German current account Actionism is inappropiate (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2013/14 (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2012/13 (PDF), Chapter 2: European economic policy: Stable architecture for Europe (PDF), Chapter 3: Financial markets in Europe: From the Single Market to a Banking Union (PDF), Chapter 5: Energy Policy: Boldly introduce more of a market Ata glance (PDF), Executive summary of the Annual Report 2011/12 (PDF), Chapter 4: From banking crisis to debt crisis and back (PDF), Chapter 6: Energy policy: Effective Energy Transition only in the European Context (PDF). ( ( For more information about permissions, see our FAQs. Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. [link] => It is managed by the General Secretariat of the Council, the body of staff responsible for assisting the Council of the EU and the European Council. ( Tom Gibson, EU Representative, Committee to Protect Journalists. These texts cover important societal issues of relevance in Europe and beyond. ( ) WebThe European Australian Business Council (EABC) is a nonprofit corporate forum based in Sydney, Australia.The EABC's stated mission is to promote trade, investment and institutional cooperation between Australia and Europe by collaborating with Australian and European business groups, governments, public institutions, embassies, consulates, The Council has produced a comprehensive analysis of the proposals and related measures contained in the Conferences final report. [0] => Array ) [id] => 222 [children] => Array [desc] => It also noted that journalists can struggle to survive professionally because of concentrated media ownership and threats to public media outlets in some countries. [desc] => ) [desc] => [1] => Array [name] => History teaching ) [link] => [id] => 383 [id] => 372 New Atlanticist is where top experts and policymakers at the Atlantic Council and beyond offer exclusive insight on the most pressing global challengesand the United States role in addressing them alongside its allies and partners. ( [0] => Array ) ) ( ( [desc] => ( [children] => Array In 2020, the Commissioner continued her constructive dialogue with Council of Europe member states in the unprecedented context of the COVID-19 pandemic. ( [name] => Teacher education [id] => 201 [2] => Array [name] => Violence against women [link] => ) [4] => Array [desc] => ( ( [link] => WebCDL-AD (2021)012-eMontenegro - Opinion on the draft amendments to the Law on the State Prosecution Service and the draft law on the Prosecutors Office for organised crime and corruption, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 126 plenary session (online, 19-20 March 2021) Show related documents (3) [name] => Terrorism ( Our Annual Report 2021/2022 provides insight into our impact and agility as we enter our seventh decade of operations. ( [id] => 175 WebForty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of Public Schools, to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore: For the Ten Months, Ending October 31st, 1871 (Classic Reprint) de Commission, India States Reorganisation en - ISBN 10: 0428072909 - ISBN 13: 9780428072902 - Forgotten Books - 2018 - Tapa blanda [name] => The Council of Europe and the European Union [name] => People with disabilities [id] => 247 As this edition of the Council of Europe Highlights was being finalised,our societies were facing unprecedented medical, social and economicchallenges due to the coronavirus crisis. ( [3] => Array [6] => Array The number of Member States responses to these was disappointingly low: replies were filed for 48 alerts a paltry 16% reply rate. 2022 was undoubtedly a year marked by war in Europe but also a range of new and established methods of silencing independent journalism, including surveillance and spyware, legal harassment, arrests and detention, media capture, restrictive legislation, and continued cases of impunity. [children] => Array ( ) ) [2] => Array ( Annual Report 2022/23 "Managing the Energy Crisis in Solidarity and Shaping the New Reality" Released on 09 November 2022, Annual Report 2021/22 "Shaping the Transformation: Education, Digitalisation and Sustainability" Released on 10 November 2021, Annual Report 2020/21 "Overcoming the Coronavirus Crisis Together; Strengthening Resilience and Growth" Released on 11November 2020, Annual Report 2019/20 "Dealing with Structural Change" Released on 06 November 2019, Annual Report 2018/19"Setting the Right Course for Economic Policy" Released on 07 November 2018Executive summary of the Annual Report 2018/19 (PDF), Chapter 1: Setting the Right Course for Economic policy (PDF), Chapter 2: International Economy: Slower pace of expansion, high risks (PDF), Chapter 3: German Economy: Upturn pushing at its limits (PDF), Chapter 4: Monetary and Fiscal Policy in the Euro Area: Normalisation and Stabilisation (PDF), Chapter 6: Facing international tax competition (PDF), Chapter 7: No quick solutions in housing policy (PDF), Chapter 8: More efficiency in the healthcare system through competition (PDF), Annual Report 2017/18"Towards a Forward-Looking Economic Policy" Released on 08 November 2017Executive summary of the Annual Report 2017/18 (PDF)Chapter 1: Towards a forward-looking economic policy (PDF)Chapter 2: Global economy picks up speed (PDF)Chapter 3: Capacity overutilisation in the German economy continues to rise (PDF)Chapter 4: Change of course in monetary policy and sustainable economic policy (PDF)Chapter 5: Financial markets: Gaps in regulation, growing risks (PDF)Chapter 6: Sound fiscal policy, especially in good times (PDF)Chapter 7: Guarding against protectionism, supporting structural change (PDF)Chapter 8: Labour market: securing the supply of skilled workers in the digital transformation (PDF)Chapter 9: Income inequality: an in-depth analysis (PDF), Annual Report 2016/17"Time for Reforms" Released on 02 November 2016Executive summary of the Annual Report 2016/17 (PDF)Chapter 1: Economic policy: Time for Reforms (PDF)Chapter 2: Global economy: Risk of overburdening monetary policy (PDF)Chapter 3: Germany: Expansionary monetary policy drives growth above potential (PDF)Chapter 4: Brexit vote: Averting damage, strengthening Europe through subsidiarity (PDF)Chapter 5: Low interest rates not appropriate for either euro area or Germany (PDF)Chapter 6: European banking system unstable, reforms must continue (PDF)Chapter 7: Pension provision: Strengthen the three pillar model (PDF)Chapter 8: Influx of refugees: Integration as a key challenge (PDF)Chapter 9: No surrender to entrenched unemployment (PDF)Chapter 10: High redistribution, low mobility (PDF)Chapter 11: The energy transition (Energiewende): Shifting towards a global climate policy (PDF)Chapter 12: Transformation in China harbours risks (PDF), Annual Report 2015/16"Focus on Future Viability" Released on 11 November 2015Executive summary of the Annual Report 2015/16 (PDF)Chapter 1: Economic Policy: Focus on Future Viability (PDF)Chapter 4: Euro Area: Slow Down Bond Purchases, Speed up Reforms (PDF)Chapter 5: Risks From low Interest Rates Opportunities From the Capital Markets Union (PDF)Chapter 6: New Challenges for Labour Market and Social Policy (PDF)Chapter 7: Productivity: Adressing the Causes (PDF), Annual Report 2014/15"More confidence in market processes" Released on 12 November 2014Executive summary of the Annual Report 2014/15 (PDF)Chapter 5: The long road to more financial stability in Germany and Europe (PDF)Chapter 6: The German current account Actionism is inappropiate (PDF), Annual Report 2013/14"Against a backward-looking economic policy" Released on 13 November 2013Executive summary of the Annual Report 2013/14 (PDF)Excerpt from Chapter 3 (Part V, PDF), Annual Report 2012/13"Stable Architecture for Europe Need for Action in Germany" Released on 07 November 2012Executive summary of the Annual Report 2012/13 (PDF)Chapter 2: European economic policy: Stable architecture for Europe (PDF) Chapter 3: Financial markets in Europe: From the Single Market to a Banking Union (PDF)Chapter 5: Energy Policy: Boldly introduce more of a market Ata glance (PDF), Annual Report 2011/12"Assume responsibility for Europe" Released on 09 November 2011Executive summary of the Annual Report 2011/12 (PDF)Chapter 3: Euro area in crisis (PDF)Chapter 4: From banking crisis to debt crisis and back (PDF)Chapter 6: Energy policy: Effective Energy Transition only in the European Context (PDF), Annual Report 2010/11"Chances for a stable upturn" Released on 10 November 2010Chapter 1 (PDF), Annual Report 2009/10"Securing the future through responsible economic policies" Released on 13 November 2009Chapter 1 (PDF), Annual Report 2008/09"Mastering the financial crisis strengthening forces for grow" Released on 12 November 2008Chapter 1 (PDF), Annual Report 2007/08"The gains must not be squandered" Released on 07 November 2007Chapter 1 (PDF), Annual Report 2006/07"Conflicting interests missed opportunities" Released on 08 November 2006Chapter 1 (PDF), Annual Report 2005/06"Seize the chance boldly advance the reforms" Released on 09 November 2005Chapter 1 (PDF), Annual Report 2004/05"External successes internal challenges" Released on 12 November 2004Chapter 1 (PDF). [id] => 217 ( [2] => Array ( [name] => Partnerships The report provides a general overview of human rights and democracy, within EU borders and worldwide. [children] => Array [id] => 204 [2] => Array [desc] => The report encourages member states to use existing and future Council of Europe mechanisms to address many of the challenges identified, on the basis of the following key principles: Press release By [link] => [desc] => Photo: Saami flag, Troms Norway / anji (wikimedia) / CC BY 2.0. [name] => Conference of INGOs MENASource offers the latest news from across the Middle East, combined with commentary by contributors, interviews with emerging players, multi-media content, and independent analysis from fellows and staff. [1] => Array ( [desc] => The report reviews and analyses the 289 alerts recorded by the Platform during 2022, outlining the most significant and severe threats to journalism and press ) In 2021 the Adrienne Arsht-Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center built individual and community resilience in the face of climate impacts. Archives 2021 Statistical Report (English) 2021 Informe Estadstico (espaol) 2020 Statistical Report (English) 2019 Statistical Report (English) 2018 Statistical Report (English) [children] => Array [id] => 203 [name] => Doping [id] => 238 [8] => Array Read more about their accomplishments and plans to expand their reach. Download PDF (3.6MB) 2021 annual report 2021 State of Democracy, Human Rights and the Rule [desc] => ) ) [id] => 187 [desc] => [children] => Array [children] => Array [children] => Array Commissioner Rene Gonzalez Yea. [children] => Array ( The Partner Organisations will present the report at a press conference at the Press Club Brussels Europe (Rue Froissart 95, Brussels) at 10:30 a.m. [children] => Array [link] =>