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The price descrepancies between pharmacies can usually be explained fairly easily. Id much rather make do with the devil I know than the other much much scarier devil I also know. We just need a check to make sure were not accidentally mixing up batches of something else. A new equilibrium is established in which theres more economic growth (so the rich get some more useless positional goods) but everyone gets four hours less sleep per night, plus they have to spend money on modafinil, plus the few people who cant take modafinil for one reason or another are screwed.. Notice that this entire article is about generics and has nothing to do with brand-name issues or R&D at all. (b) farmers are, ipso facto, cruel to animals Indeed, the whole pharmaceutical market in the US could be called a market failure, but its a failure of the political market, not the private market. I am not a chemist, but the Daraprim molecule does not look very intimidating. Varying prices for other generics are price discrimination behavior. If we claim that the virtue of SSC, et al, its its capability of out-side-the-box theorizing, then we should outside the box theorize. After a bit of research, other countries seem to use price controls to deal with the price of prescription drugs. Today, you buy pills from big pharmaceutical companies that sell millions of those pills. Its your own fault for foolishly trusting that the pills would actually contain the listed ingredients, right? I dont disagree with you, some pharmacies are absolutely more convenient than others. Its a pretty standard freedom vs assholery and exploitation situation. SSC or any other debate/investigative forums are [not] necessarily populated by people more likely to solve a particular problem than the general run of people who are grappling with that problem on a daily basis.. I have no idea? Seems like something with a small but real chance of getting in trouble for using. Zaregistrova sa. Besides which, if you are presenting the Australian system as a model for America, it is absolutely relevant that Australians are free-riding, and their low prices would not be possible if America were to try the same thing. So instead of defending the interests of the American people through collective bargaining and price ceilings, you are actually proposing that the US government sets a price floor for the benefit of corporations. However you are missing what this CEO did. Third math question: What price must a company sell compound X for in America to break even? Did we just read the same article? The economy is simply the means by which humans provide value to other humans. @everyone else: Retail pharmacy is srs bsns. Unlike clothes and cars, you dont have the option of buying used goods at a heavy discount. The local CVS sells the same amount for $19.79. Beating the 7x elixir challenge with elixir golem deck. it is not a divinely-ordained system handed down along with the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone on Mount Sinai) but a human-created system that has faults and virtues like all other human-created systems. Since workaholics are more likely to be successful and rise to the top of their professional hierarchies, they, having earned the moral badge of success, set the behavioral norms and ideals for everyone else. It would need to be funded but you would probably save money overall because of fewer prisons. If you want the FDA to test it and agree that youve done a good job, that costs money (oh yeahthe FDA review process is funded by user fees!). And Turing cant even argue theyre making returns on risk, since they are the third-hand buyers of the US rights to manufacture this and so incurred no expenses in researching, developing, testing or marketing the drug. Define plenty of room. and that prices are therefore kept very low. The company control lab tested the mixture for flavor, appearance, and fragrance and found it satisfactory. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things. Selling off the drug isolates the backlash from all the other drugs owned by the big company. The cream will rise to the top, and the scum will sink to the bottom; there will be trustworthy and untrustworthy vendors. Often meeting insomnia in the evening? When generics arent actually equivalent, this can cause tons of problems, especially in particular conditions such as epilepsy for example. 5. Even if an issue rises to the level where a congressman introduces a bill saying that e.g. Well should we institute the price controls based on your hunch and then 15 years later try to figure out how many life-saving blockbuster drugs were NOT developed because of artificial price controls imposed by the government? This leaves you vulnerable to misinterpretation. The best way to minimize it is via cultural mores. Example: (6), CHEERFULNESS Suppose the supplier thinks Heck with it, why do I care if I poison some foreigner? and cuts his product with fertiliser, what exactly are you going to do about it? It diminishes pain, fights disease, mitigates misfortunes, lightens burdens and eases one's life. Woolzies Cheers Essential Oil Blend is uplifting and banishes heavy emotions. getting samples of the drug, and figuring out how to make the generic product. Had he been more conservative in his style, he probably would have not been targeted in such a hideous manner. in 1902, the Virus, Serum and Toxins Act (Biologics Control Act) was passed in response to tetanus-infected diphtheria antitoxin which was manufactured by a small laboratory in St. Louis, Missouri. It's only 3 PP, but the cost to produce is lower than the other options in the early game. Fifth math question: What fraction of the global spending on Compound X will occur outside of America? Im willing to bet 2:1 odds on either of the below claims: 1)The median farmer has an IQ below 110. On a related note, I think the current grey-market setup is a model of what would be near-optimal for many drugs. They see different survival-type threats than the right, but they havent been doing much to promote visions of a thriving future lately. The snapshot date for eligible addresses is Tuesday, January 18th, 2022 3:00PM UTC, and will include every user who cast a governance vote before that time. We dont regulate magical aura healing or homeopathy so why should we regulate drugs which only make some tiny, almost-undetectable difference? Emerson writes that no one can truly be a poet, unless they are cheerful, because poets delight in the world, in man, in woman, for the lovely light that sparkles from them. Ideally these would be OK places to be, sort of gated communities for junkies. Synonyms for cheerfulness include happiness, mirth, cheer, cheeriness, joviality, joy, glee, gaiety, joyfulness and merriment. $10.00 from Walgreens. Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. I received some in my Golden Gifts, but can't find them in my storage. In such a system, the government internalises the costs that result from its standards. Thanks for the reasonable response. Point being, just as the larger question is raised in those games, human capacity enhancement, depending wholly on how its distributed among the population, will either help humankind as a whole accelerate a better future for ourselves or will be yet another weaselly move on the part of the elite to further separate themselves from the pack. What is needed is a habit of cheerfulness, to enjoy every day as we go along; not to fret and stew all the week, and then expect to make up for it Sunday or on some holiday. thats about 30 times your money. This site, whose style is overly bombastic but whose information seems mostly correct, says that: The cost and time involved in the ANDA [generic application] process varies depending on the drug, its safety, how long it has been on the market, etc. Hyr. Next unicorn idea: the Uber of generic Rx. Seriously, I dont understand what the distinction you are trying to make here is, unless it is really just important vs. trivial, in which case dont obfuscate. The story wouldnt fundamentally change if the original owners of the license, the ones who did do the original research back in the day, were the ones to see the opportunity for a 5500% price increase. Purity tests take a week and $50. Selling the drug at hundreds of dollars only makes money because of government interference, namely, the requirement that competing versions are tested against your version (which you refuse to sell to them). That is nuts and I must be making a stupid mistake here. Also, I think the high cost of pharmaceuticals in the US is likely the result of the insurance companies practice of negotiating a lower price for everything. We need something more specific. Maybe the pharmacist knows you and gives you good advice about your medication, or is willing to help you find a cheaper generic. hosts a Skype reading group Wednesdays at 19:45 UTC, reading new and old articles on different aspects of AI Safety. The product you mention has a batch of endorsements by high-flyers (cf. As far as I can tell sites like ModafinilCat and Canadian shipping pharmacies are illegal thats what ignoring the appropriate regulations means but tolerated because elderly people who want cheap drugs have good lobbyists and nobody wants a GOVERNMENT ARRESTS AREA GRANDMOTHER WITH CANCER story on the front page. those drugs that have been approved for sale for more than 20 years) would badly tank drug development incentives? Dollars to doughnuts that the Pauls, pere et fils, have also collaborated in the past. Both are actually a dollar cheaper ($6 vs $7 per 30) if I buy them *off insurance* at my local pharmacy, rather than using my insurance coverage. The companys location isnt really relevant. But I think certain goods like health care are human and social goods, not consumer goods. Now we know that it is computers that will make us live forever. I suppose that they typical ModafinilCat customer is considerably wealthier and has a higher social status than your typical patient. The are private k-12 schools, I went to two of them (one secular, one parochial.). Heres Costco: After suing all other colchicine producers out of business and establishing a monopoly, they raised the price of colchicine by 5000%, costing gout patients thousands of dollars a year. So no, I wont drink a randomly-selected bottle of water by some unidentified Chinese manufacturer. All we need is a fairy to whisper us the chemical formulations during our sleep and then ask China to whip us up a batch. I know there are players that like to be tidy and clear everything out, but your neighbors need something to visit and you might need more of something in a pinch. 15th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a. The kids start college in ten, and Harvard doesnt take IOUs. Thus, companies who want to work on generics need to get a lot of investors involved. Like, no matter how many patches/bandaids we apply, were never going to get quite as far as we would by simply removing the regulation/not making the wound/ refusing to race the tortoise in the first place. If anyone is likely to be doing careful research on what drug theyre buying, itd be the nootropic community. > > Also, your system is free-riding on American prices, which is where the drug companies get their R&D money back. I dont know how vaccines are regulated, but I have a feeling the FDA would want a word with you first, yes. Decades of politicians trying to come up with schemes to make healthcare better or cheaper with no obvious cost have really taken their toll. Its not something that is easy to pin down we dont really recognise it, unless were doing it., For example, it doesnt necessarily show on your face, he explains, the way stronger emotions do., obligations are a demon that eats up all the free time and happy things in your life. You can if you go there. If you also want FDA approval, it costs $2 million and takes two years. Its probably a good idea to use the ban-power that the state has to encourage people to take less destructive drugs than heroin. Maybe another way to ask my question is: Why was this opportunity even available? If you dont see a world of difference between a state prioritizing that and a state prioritizing orbital monkeys for its PR campaign, I dont know how to change your mind. If youre giving someone a drug you dont want them to suddenly go into anaphylactic shock because this weeks batch from china checked out fine for likely contaminants of the active chemical but happened to have egg protein in the mix. Am not getting iron from stones at all How do you "feed fish"? Is anyone among you suffering? Today, its commonly used as a pesticide. Given how biotech stock prices dropped after his performance, he would have made way more in a few days that way than by selling a low-demand pharmaceutical for years. Im sure most of us (who want the government defining such terms in the first place) would prefer that free-range be defined such that most of the chickens actually spend time outside, but hardly anyone is willing to spend a lot of time and money lobbying the government over it. Form does not follow function. They arent tuition. In which case, India. Also other places. I got a prescription for it and went to the local CVS to have it filled. And thats assuming it even was available like mars bars. The two companies lawyers huddled and then announced that, in effect, Pfizers patent would get extended a couple of years. Maybe you are right and all that will happen still if we change the profits that the huge successes will get. Would spiking someone even be illegal? Im very pro-capitalism but I sometimes wonder if health care is one of those cases where the government may possibly be better than the market. Actual manufacturing costs are estimated to be a few hundred dollars. Can ModafinilCat legally sell modafinil in the US? You can keep all the internal machinery exactly the same, the same inspections and personell, etc. The vast majority of that waste is in producing and maintaining reams of paperwork to demonstrate the fact that we arent wasting money to our funding sources. Featuring Sarah Sprinkles, Melanie Melon, Gary Galaxy and Connor Cactus, COLLECT THEM ALL! Hes gone from scummy but legal strategy to jail as soon as the SEC finds out. I think the majority of drug sales are repeat business- people with chronic conditions or terrible lifestyles that leave them open to illness. Thats good to know. Would we be better off with more regulation? Seriously, though, did I understand your argument correctly? -I didnt mean to be rude. Cheerfulness, Hampton says, also involves being able to rise above insults or problems and take refuge in humour. The interesting thing is that patents are so taken for granted that they arent even thought of as government hand-outs. We already have a society-wide experiment running for decades concerning how cognitive enhancers change the dynamic of work expectations and labor market competition called caffeine. Frink seems to have this idea that its something you get for free; in fact, the cost of getting that process developed (and reviewed and approved) is why the orphan drug problem is a problem at all. I think you are underestimating how much shit people used to put into drugs back in the 19th century that was either useless and/or harmful. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Woolzies 100% Pure Cheers Essential oil Blend 1 Fl Oz | Optimistic Aroma Promotes Feelings of Cheerfulness & Happiness, Counteracts Negative Emotions | For Diffusion or Topical Use.