bonide systemic insect control label

In Kentucky, adults begin emerging and laying eggs in mid-May. Apply for a Home Depot Consumer Card Used for killing bores and other listed pests Mix-and-pour application saves time Of course,ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS FOR SAFE USE OF ANY PESTICIDE! endstream 66 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7516A5024A89E34C99FA2B33167B1198><5789FD57C1A76740B839D849D8A7605A>]/Index[42 44]/Info 41 0 R/Length 109/Prev 168927/Root 43 0 R/Size 86/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon. Sorry, we were unable to perform your search at this time. CAUTION! Use this product by following the directions on the label. Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2022. 2 0 obj Use this product by following the directions on the label. >> <>/Metadata 182 0 R>> Apply the product every 7 to 10 days while the infestation occurs.About Bonide:Bonide has been trusted since 1926 as the leader in providing the best possible products and solutions for home, lawn, and garden pest problems. Apply every 7 to 10 days as long as the infestation occurs. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Trust your instincts. Trapping does not increase risk of infestation because only males are attracted. Adult borers emerge from infested trees in the spring or summer. /GS0 556 0 R Pesticide preservatives (antimicrobials) are sometimes used to protect household products such as cutting boards, kitchen sponges, cat litter, toothbrushes, and toys from bacteria and other microorganisms. Insects Controlled : Adelgids, aphids, armored scales (suppression), fungus gnat larvae, Japanese beetle adults, lace bugs, leaf beetles, elm leaf beetles, viburnum leaf beetles, lily leaf beetles, leafhoppers, glassy winged sharpshooter, leafminers, birch leafminers, boxwood leafminers, mealybugs, pine tip moth larvae, plants bugs, psyllids, root weevil larvae, black vine weevil larvae, sawfly larvae, soft scales, lobate lac scales, thrips, whiteflies, wihte grub larvae, chagers, European chafers, Oriental beetle, asiatic garden beetle. The bottle size is small so I only get 2 uses out of it. 0 People don't like to feel like they are being skimmed. !dg`^ hTn6}WS!6-bEQ4E 9H*LmR"1qr`~hLc{fZ5uaK#+|57Z@c0!. These lures mimic the scent produced by the virgin female moth when she is ready to mate. /Resources << Q: Bonide Systemic Insect Control, 16 oz Concentrate. This is not a carpenter bee killer, so do not use this on blooming crops or weeds. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. 85 0 obj <>stream Since inception, the corp, Dilco is the go-to custom printer for the largest corporations in the world when they need retail graphic signage and point of sale display products. OUTDOOR RESIDENTIAL USE - This pesticide is designed for outdoor residential use only. Acephate is a non-selective insecticide that can kill any insect that comes into contact with treated areas. xO5HZ2"*+tI{P}CGfP6oNoTse+Z:Zx~Q{D0|O1frgoHrEo3Yobhw;Yi]iapD['yr=>,Ms"SZ`uciSgilBkpP3%:1OZI n""I*tf>cJ+c^x0n//^_a6y,2|^ 5 Hoya saved. Adult bronze birch borers are slender, olive-bronze beetles about -inch long. This insect species is widely distributed wherever dogwoods are cultivated. 35 0 obj endobj <>/ExtGState<<>>/Font<<>>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<<>>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[ 0 0 216 216]/Type/Page>> aa&2"Qp{DR)"u & B+*(P:j@1L @BV000L/``_ G)]=18YR4yX2fYC0+ZC,e!e0 Mkg8O*d-rjfYIX a& 0 0a&2zFa/1wtu U hF)T*#E^iRXpf "*!d-hm$&:qOEH "D[va&=LN4$::bQs]H53yy !|Qw*\P,aR$P)!$1iT1g(1ZpapXbMRk0L-0`^Q3 /MediaBox [ 0 0 162 270 ] This ready-to-spray product kills insects that feed on plants, including aphids, beetles, borers, and more. 2 0 obj The horror. endobj Use pesticides only according to the directions on the label. <> With over 20 years in the printing sector, we have applied a passionate and driven approach to satisfy the printing and product decorating needs for many satisfied customers. 10 0 obj Follow directions and restrictions on both labels. <>/ExtGState<<>>/Font<<>>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Shading<<>>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 3/TrimBox[ 0 0 216 216]/Type/Page>> A: Used the drench OUTSIDE. This borer may attack almost any hardwood tree that is stressed by defoliation, sun scald, drought, soil compaction, or mechanical injury. Use proper planting methods. Lexington, KY 40546-0091 <>/ExtGState<<>>/Font<<>>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Shading<<>>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 2/TrimBox[ 0 0 216 216]/Type/Page>> . %PDF-1.4 Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. Apply a second spray if males are still being captured after 6 weeks. /ArtBox [ 0 0 162 270 ] It is easy to use and mix, but it is hazardous to humans and domestic animals. Tried Bonide 941. <>stream All of those products are contact insecticides that require proper timing in order to intercept newly hatched clearwing borer as they crawl over or tunnel into the bark. Banded ash clearwing borer, Podosesia aureocincta, attacks only ash, especially green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). Read more about counterfeit pesticide products for dogs and cats. It's only filled up to about 3/4. Apply Bonide Systemic Granules Insect Control during planting. T}g(6@ Bonide Systemic Insect Control contains the active ingredient Acephate. Amazon's Choice highlights highly rated, well-priced products available to ship immediately. <>stream Please try again. endobj Other commonpesticide products that have illegal versionsincludeflea and tick repellents for pets, antibacterial cleansers, mothballs, and other products that claim to get rid of household pests. Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2022. Bonide Systemic Granules kill tough houseplant pests like fungus, gnats, mealybug, whitefly, termite, aphids, and more. After mating, the females fly to a suitable host and lay eggs on the bark, often in crevices or around wounds. An official website of the United States government. fL3u?J5: Sy~M6#[ue6rSHUl43YZ0PImGYAa, Ce/'d?e|J"L_g#`=6nj#Nm?7M.+=s,F3II1QN=s]jC~xp(R.W].ekYTCv#U*6M _;6lmDngF!=o6>z}spGM@54u!ko+}oMa1_(RfpV+plIe\?3QYpPk`59Rbm+/sgdOIP2w0#wdJ[(nxyERH8Q_@>>Kj /CS1 555 0 R May be used in potted plants, roses, flowers and shrubs. Adult clearwing borers are delicate, day-flying moths that resemble small wasps. <>/ExtGState<<>>/Font<<>>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 5/TrimBox[ 0 0 216 216]/Type/Page>> Product Name: Bonide Systemic Insect Control . You'll be in good hands when y. quality label printing, excellent customer service. Ash trees can be protected from attack by this devastating insect by: 1)a systemic insecticides applied by soil injection or soil drench (dinetofuran, imidacloprid), 2) systemic injections applied as trunk injections (azadirachtin, emamectin benzoate, imidacloprid), or 3) a systemic insecticide applied as a lower trunk spray (dinetofuran). Store far away from anyone with olfactory senses. BONIDE MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS LABEL. Because plant and insect development are both temperature-dependent, using plant phenology (seasonal timing and sequence of bloom of so-called indicator plants) is often a more accurate scheduling tool than relying on calendar dates. hb```hV eaX@1y@**Fc;^B%k6 7^'{m[FG b0AP b``b@, vS ??1 Application Date: March 21, 2018 Decision Number: 582951 . Chlorpyrifos (Dursban 50W) can still be used in commercial nurseries. . Annual Tree and Shrub Insect Control Concentrate (56) Questions & Answers (22) +3 Hover Image to Zoom share Share print Print $ 26 97 Pay $1.97 after $25 OFF your total qualifying purchase upon opening a new card. Avoid tree wraps they may encourage borer attacks by delaying proper hardening of the bark. <>stream 0 #lRI2?da (714) 420-9621. Worked great. Bronze birch borer (Agrilus anxius) is a severe pest of white or paper birch in the landscape. Bonide (BND951 - Systemic House Plant Insect Control, 0.22% Imidacloprid Insecticide (8 oz. .($wu~L[?,zR+AjA8JrI.qE\w1u~{F}sc9uSi5uks_Q. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Official websites use .gov Z[eW^ h Lcdf`acWXZTUW\]`{}hikYZ\[\^`adprt]^`SSUdfhXY[jknfgjwx{bcfabeNNPtvxKKMFFGqsuRRT~HGIVWYdegLLNlmpGFHyz}|}uwy|~z|pqtwy{mnpopsOOQklotuxZ[][\_ijlPPR^_aNNPnprxz|GFHUVXSTVMMOikmHHJstwDDEegiJJL?>@@@A pD Illegal pesticides may besold on the street or in small neighborhood stores. I just hope they fill up the bottles. Use on lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers, fruits, vegetables ornamentals and more. Infestation sites often are marked by cankers, calluses, or cracked bark. Besides the D-shaped holes, symptoms include thinning and dieback of branches, usually starting in the upper 1/3 of the tree canopy, followed by eventual death of the tree. endobj Peachtree borer, Synanthedon exitiosa, and lesser peachtree borer, Synanthedon pictipes, are pests of peach, plum, cherry, and other Prunus species, including both fruit and ornamental varieties. Pyrethroids including bifenthrin (Onyx, (Talstar) and permethrin (Astro) work well. |OX[j~Op !VDL R6-`~t5U$ <>/Subtype/Form/BBox[0.0 0.0 125.502 13.799]/FormType 1/Length 19/Filter/FlateDecode>>stream ,(`(BY Please try again later. Unlike clearwing borers, which expel frass from cracks in the bark, flatheaded borers pack their fine, sawdust-like frass in their tunnels. Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2021. 1 0 obj <>stream W=e'xQ4Om>dC>eu"=]_ZmQ4Uc>jCk_+NLc@y3R0RcUP.z`B`L0"j|}Y>p+~-Tp6J%R&8*oow]22v{'#Pie5!~g{|Y@d3Cew,yxUPPzLCXsBBB[a\eN2W$sr@:$mlbVX 4mz=+ Long lasting, effective protection for up to 8 weeks Internal insect protection that won't wash off with water Promotes strong roots and beautiful blooms Adult flatheaded borers are fast-moving, flattened, metallic-colored beetles with short antennae. /Font << &ScJcJE6+,$/F' endobj Well I started out again this year and it didn't take long and the spider mites showed up again. endstream /TrimBox [ 0 0 162 270 ] I've been treating it with rubbing alcohol for mealybugs, every year for 3 yrs.. . 859-257-4772, Students / These are average target dates; the best timing may vary from year to year depending on spring temperatures (i.e., earlier in warmer years, later in cool ones). BONIDE Eight brand insect control kills more than 100 different types of troublesome listed insect pests. I tried for a year to get rid of pests on my 3 white, 1 yellow and 3 pink rose bushes to no avail. After mating, female borers emerge and lay their eggs on the bark of their preferred host trees. El Observador Publications, Inc. 1042 West Hedding St. Suite #250, San Jose, CA. 42 0 obj <> endobj This product is labeled for use on flower beds, roses, shrubs, and the like, but it is not labeled for use on any edibles, lawns, or turfs. /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] endobj z2MzrtrJjp{,hyqt`)K_Y&]42DMZ-|I[$-K=_'L986Uk4A*lN-YadmrK)UgKac]m|7g`W,[U@1_o$vmon*o#cv~/}UP2#Ffn&=|'UD First step is to apply evenly, cultivate lightly, and water thoroughly as the last step. BONIDE Systemic Insect Control protects plants from chewing insects from the inside out and provides long lasting protection that won't wash off Use on roses, flowers, trees, shrubs and ornamentals. % Prevention & Treatment: Combat anthracnose by digging up and destroying severely infected plants. Have not undergone the strict safety testing we require for EPA-approved (registered) pesticides. The keys to controlling these pests are to keep plants healthy and, if necessary, to treat during those times of the year when the insects are vulnerable to insecticides. It works great, Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2019. (408) 938-1700 Fax No. 9 0 obj Botanical Insecticide Concentrates & Granules, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, 2022 Do-it-Yourself Pest Control Inc. | All rights reserved. <>stream Listento apublic service announcement featuringWillieColn about avoiding illegal pesticides. <>stream Informacin relacionada disponible en espaol. (408) 938-1705 This product did work with little cosmetic damages to my calatheas. Please click here to see any active alerts. Protects plants from aphids, whiteflies, and other listed insects. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. B"6P|Yw6V:?WWD=4ocABmdhxrvCioL>vDX,2z]WTi'42a%M4Eqhi>e5n&h/` W;) {4j 1 endobj >> It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. Larvae are whitish, legless, and the first segment of their thorax is wide and flat just behind the head. See Insecticide options for protecting ash trees from emerald ash borer for detailed information on control options: I repurchased it on Amazon as it is cheaper than the store. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. endobj endobj <>stream IN BUSINESS. endobj endobj This is not meant for use on edible plants such as fruit or vegetables, and it is not labeled for use on lawns or turfs. Dominion Fruit Tree & Vegetable Insecticide. 26 0 obj We'll tell you how to design shelf talkers, provid, I was very impressed with the service I received from Renee at Label Impressions. h[_gQ B+Zp3"n6lX9*g@8p"- Since I apply the product all the little mosquitos that put larvas on the leaves of boxwood are gone . << If you see a public health claim, do not buy the product unless you see an EPA registration number on the products label. Please use a different way to share. j^h-U g,+]`:l5Nn-z]i]9VD 14 0 obj 4zw;4_\#NbxIOfHj{/\8\*6;0FfTW~aq{2ntq0hr{O=({dv3Nn1IWa(@;|'| $vLmtZ} ^(Bxk`}4/G/a This invasive insect, which has killed hundreds of millions of ash trees in North America, was discovered in Kentucky in 2009. 6 0 obj Apply your spray 10 to 14 days after the first males are caught, which will coincide with the beginning of the larval hatching period. Expect fast turnaround times from our talented printing team. 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